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      Protecting against software supply chain attacks

      pubsub.slavino.sk / infoworldcom · Tuesday, 30 January - 10:00 edit

    Last year’s MOVEit and 3CX vulnerabilities offered a stark reminder of the risk software supply chain attacks pose today.

    Threat actors exploit vulnerabilities to infiltrate a software provider’s network and modify the software’s original functionality with malicious code. Once the infected software is passed on to customers, typically through software updates or application installers, the breach opens the door to unauthorized tasks, such as exfiltrating sensitive information or hijacking data.

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    Značky: #Devops, #Devsecops, #Security, #Rozne

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      TypeScript 5.4 beta arrives

      pubsub.slavino.sk / infoworldcom · Tuesday, 30 January - 10:00 edit

    TypeScript 5.4, a planned update to the strongly typed JavaScript variant from Microsoft , has reached beta availability. New capabilities include preserved narrowing within function closures created after the last assignment and a NoInfer type to block inferences to valid but unwanted types.

    Released January 29, TypeScript 5.4 can be accessed via NuGet or NPM. In NPM, use the following command:

    npm install -D typescript@beta

    TypeScript 5.4 makes narrowing smarter. Detailing the improvement, Microsoft said a common pain point in TypeScript was that narrowed types were not always preserved within function closures. In TypeScript 5.4, when parameters and let variables are used in non-hoisted functions, the type checker will look for a last assignment point. If one is found, TypeScript can narrow from outside the containing function.

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    Značky: #JavaScript, #Typescript, #Rozne

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      Java proposal would streamline record creation

      pubsub.slavino.sk / infoworldcom · Monday, 29 January - 20:29 edit

    In an effort to streamline code, Java would be enhanced with derived record creation, via a proposal that would provide a means to create record instances from existing records through a block of transformation code.

    The OpenJDK proposal authored by Oracle technical staff, titled “Derived Record Creation,” would streamlinescode by deriving a new record from an existing record, updating only components that need to change. The proposal notes that because records are immutable values, developers frequently build new records to reflect new data. The feature would enter Java in a preview state.

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    Značky: #Rozne, #Java

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      3 technologies coming to generative AI’s aid in 2024

      pubsub.slavino.sk / infoworldcom · Monday, 22 January, 2024 - 10:00 edit

    As the momentous first year of ChatGPT comes to a close, it’s clear that generative AI (genAI) and large language models (LLMs) are exciting technologies. But are they ready for prime-time enterprise use?

    There are well-understood challenges with ChatGPT , where its responses have poor accuracy. Despite being based on sophisticated computer models of human knowledge like GPT-4 , ChatGPT rarely wants to admit ignorance, a phenomenon referred to as AI hallucinations , and it often struggles with logical reasoning. Of course, this is because ChatGPT doesn’t reason —it operates like an advanced text auto-complete system.

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    Značky: #Rozne

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      www.infoworld.com /article/3712266/3-technologies-coming-to-generative-ai-aid-in-2024.html

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      Teaching machines to code

      pubsub.slavino.sk / infoworldcom · Monday, 22 January, 2024 - 10:00 edit

    As important as code is, documentation of that code is arguably more important . No developer, and no software, exists in a vacuum; unless other developers can understand the code you’ve written, it loses much of its potential impact.

    But what about machines? Do they also need good docs?

    The answer is yes, and points to a future of “tiered documentation,” a term I first saw described by Vlad Ionescu. As he details , tiered documentation means “having one set of documentation for human users and having another set of documentation specifically for LLM [large language model] training.” The former needs to be easily consumed by people; the latter needs to be detailed so that tools such as Amazon CodeWhisperer or GitHub Copilot will yield ever-improving code. It’s a fascinating concept with the ultimate aim of improving developer productivity. So, what do we need to get there?

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    Značky: #Developer, #Rozne

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      Azure AI Studio: A nearly complete toolbox for AI development

      pubsub.slavino.sk / infoworldcom · Monday, 22 January, 2024 - 10:00 edit

    On November 15, Microsoft announced Azure AI Studio , a new platform for generative AI application development, using OpenAI models such as GPT-4, as well as models from Microsoft Research, Meta, Hugging Face, and others. The motivation for the product, Microsoft said, is that “navigating the complexities of prompt engineering, vector search engines, the retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) pattern, and integration with Azure OpenAI Service can be daunting.”

    It turns out that Azure AI Studio is a nice system for picking generative AI models, for grounding them with RAG using vector embeddings, vector search , and data, and for fine-tuning those models, all to create AI-powered copilots, or agents. It’s the “basement-level” tool for creating copilots, aimed at experienced developers and data scientists, while Microsoft’s Copilot Studio is a “2nd-floor level” low-code tool for customizing chatbots.

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    Značky: #Microsoft, #Rozne

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      Astro 4.2 boosts accessibility, image optimization features

      pubsub.slavino.sk / infoworldcom · Friday, 19 January, 2024 - 22:17 edit

    Following fast in the footsteps of the Astro 4.1 release , Astro 4.2 has arrived, bringing improvements to accessibility rules and the ability for remark plugins to customize image optimization.

    The Astro 4.2 release also introduces prerendering using the Speculation Rules API and reworked routing priority for injected routes, both experimental features.

    Launched January 19 , Astro 4.2 marks the first release of the framework of almost all community-built features. Installation instructions for Astro can be found on GitHub .

    To read this article in full, please click here

    Značky: #JavaScript, #Rozne

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      Beware of hidden cloud fees

      pubsub.slavino.sk / infoworldcom · Friday, 19 January, 2024 - 10:00 edit

    Buy a used or new car recently? If you have, you understand the issues with “junk fees” that some dealers insist on tacking on.

    Junk fees refer to additional charges that car dealers may include in the purchase agreement. These fees are often unrelated to the actual cost of the car, and they can significantly inflate the overall price. I’m sure you’ve seen them before: administrative fees, document processing, and my favorite, advertising fees, meaning they want you to pay for their marketing expenses. They have some nerve to try that one, but it happens all the time.

    Now, what if junk fees are starting to appear on your cloud bill? This is becoming more common, and enterprises are beginning to push back.

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    Značky: #Rozne

    • chevron_right

      What is RAG? More accurate and reliable LLMs

      pubsub.slavino.sk / infoworldcom · Friday, 19 January, 2024 - 10:00 edit

    In an exercise in dogfooding, I asked the GPT-4 large language model “What is retrieval-augmented generation?” using its Browse plug-in, which is one implementation of retrieval-augmented generation.

    This is what GPT-4 eventually told me, after I asked it to regenerate its answer:


    Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) is an AI framework that significantly impacts the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP). It is designed to improve the accuracy and richness of content produced by language models. Here’s a synthesis of the key points regarding RAG from various sources:

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    Značky: #Rozne

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      www.infoworld.com /article/3712227/what-is-rag-more-accurate-and-reliable-llms.html