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      Getting started with Azure Automation

      pubsub.slavino.sk / infoworldcom · Thursday, 1 February - 10:00 edit

    One of the great advantages of using the public cloud is the ability to deploy applications and services at scale. But scale has a flip side, as working with dozens or hundreds of servers imposes new constraints on systems administration. Where we could manage one or two devices using a CLI or a GUI, or 10 or 20 devices using our own scripts, managing a massive fleet of devices requires a very different approach. We need infrastructure as code and automation.

    This approach is the basis for Microsoft’s Azure Automation , a collection of tools for managing virtual infrastructures using a mix of declarative deployments and PowerShell-based Desired State Configuration (DSC). Azure Automation brings together familiar technologies like Azure Resource Manager and the Bicep infrastructure definition language , reducing the learning curve and extending their capabilities.

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    Značky: #Devops, #Rozne

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      Create an exception handler in ASP.NET Core 8

      pubsub.slavino.sk / infoworldcom · Thursday, 1 February - 10:00 edit

    Microsoft’s November release of .NET 8 brought all kinds of great new features . One of the nice improvements introduced in ASP.NET Core 8 is IExceptionHandler, an interface that makes it easier to handle exceptions gracefully in ASP.NET Core web applications.

    Error handling has a long history in programming languages and frameworks. IExceptionHandler simplifies error handling by providing a callback and a central location for handling known exceptions. In this article we’ll discuss how you can use IExceptionHandler in your ASP.NET Core 8 applications and present meaningful error responses to the user.

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    Značky: #Rozne, #C#

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      Zilliz Cloud boosts vector database performance

      pubsub.slavino.sk / infoworldcom · Wednesday, 31 January - 20:40 edit

    San Francisco-based Zilliz has released a new version of its database-as-a-service (DBaaS) offering, Zilliz Cloud. The company claims the new version offers better performance while reducing cost of ownership compared to its previous version.

    Zilliz Cloud is built atop the open source Milvus vector database management system . Zilliz was founded by engineers who had helped develop the Milvus vector database.

    The new version of Zilliz Cloud, according to the company, offers 10x better performance than the original Milvus vector database. This is achieved by using the Hierarchical Navigable Small World (HNSW) graph index in combination with an improved filtered search.

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    Značky: #Rozne, #Database

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      Java proposal would scrap sun.misc.Unsafe memory access

      pubsub.slavino.sk / infoworldcom · Wednesday, 31 January - 19:22 edit

    The memory access methods of Java’s sun.misc.Unsafe class would be deprecated for removal in a future release of the platform, under a JEP (JDK Enhancement Proposal) afoot in the OpenJDK community. Of the class’s 87 methods, 79 would be removed.

    These unsupported methods have had supported replacements since JDK 9 , for accessing on-heap memory, and JDK 22 , for accessing off-heap memory, the proposal states. Library developers are strongly encouraged to migrate from sun.misc.Unsafe to these supported replacements. Goals of the proposal include preparing for the removal of these memory access methods in a future Java release and helping developers know when their applications rely on them. It is not a goal of the proposal to remove the sun.misc.Unsafe class entirely, as a small number of its methods are not used for memory access and will remain undeprecated.

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    Značky: #Rozne, #Java

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      Get started with Python in Visual Studio Code

      pubsub.slavino.sk / infoworldcom · Wednesday, 31 January - 10:00 edit

    Microsoft Visual Studio Code is a flexible, cross-platform editor that can be transformed into a full-blown IDE for most any language or workflow. Over the past few years, it has exploded in popularity. Thanks to Microsoft's Python extension for Visual Studio Code, VS Code has also become one of the best tools for working with Python. The Python extension provides not only syntax highlighting, but linting tools, environment management, and lots more, all tailored for the Python programming language.

    In this article, we'll walk through how to get started with VS Code's Python tools, whether for new projects or existing ones.

    Install VS Code and the Python extension

    If you haven't already set up and familiarized yourself with Visual Studio Code, that's your first step. Check out InfoWorld's guide to setting up VS Code .

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    Značky: #Python, #Rozne

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      Machine learning for Java developers: Machine learning data pipelines

      pubsub.slavino.sk / infoworldcom · Wednesday, 31 January - 10:00 edit

    The article, Machine learning for Java developers: Algorithms for machine learning , introduced setting up a machine learning algorithm and developing a prediction function in Java. Readers learned the inner workings of a machine learning algorithm and walked through the process of developing and training a model. This article picks up where that one left off. You'll get a quick introduction to Weka, a machine learning framework for Java. Then, you'll see how to set up a machine learning data pipeline, with a step-by-step process for taking your machine learning model from development into production. We'll also briefly discuss how to use Docker containers and REST to deploy a trained ML model in a Java-based production environment.

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    Značky: #Rozne, #Java, #Containers

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      SnapLogic unveils no-code tool for creating LLM-powered apps

      pubsub.slavino.sk / infoworldcom · Tuesday, 30 January - 20:53 edit

    Data integration platform provider SnapLogic has unveiled GenAI Builder, a no-code development tool for creating applications and automations powered by large language models (LLMs).

    GenAI Builder, announced January 24 and accessible from the company website , leverages conversational AI to allow business users to create LLM-powered applications and workflows for customers, employees, and partners, SnapLogic said. The tool lets users integrate AI with enterprise data to enhance accuracy, efficiency, and personalization of data for customer support automation, data analysis and reporting, contract and document review, personalized marketing, and many other enterprise use cases.

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    Značky: #Rozne

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      www.infoworld.com /article/3712760/snaplogic-unveils-no-code-tool-for-creating-llm-powered-apps.html

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      TypeScript 5.4 beta arrives

      pubsub.slavino.sk / infoworldcom · Tuesday, 30 January - 10:00 edit

    TypeScript 5.4, a planned update to the strongly typed JavaScript variant from Microsoft , has reached beta availability. New capabilities include preserved narrowing within function closures created after the last assignment and a NoInfer type to block inferences to valid but unwanted types.

    Released January 29, TypeScript 5.4 can be accessed via NuGet or NPM. In NPM, use the following command:

    npm install -D typescript@beta

    TypeScript 5.4 makes narrowing smarter. Detailing the improvement, Microsoft said a common pain point in TypeScript was that narrowed types were not always preserved within function closures. In TypeScript 5.4, when parameters and let variables are used in non-hoisted functions, the type checker will look for a last assignment point. If one is found, TypeScript can narrow from outside the containing function.

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    Značky: #JavaScript, #Typescript, #Rozne

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      Can ChatGPT drive my car? The case for LLMs in autonomy

      pubsub.slavino.sk / infoworldcom · Tuesday, 30 January - 10:00 edit

    AI has gone big, and so have AI models. 10-billion-parameter universal models are crushing 50-million-parameter task-specific models, demonstrating superior performance at solving many tasks from a single model.

    AI models are also becoming multi-modal. New vision models like Microsoft’s Florence 2 and OpenAI’s GPT-4V are expanding the applications of these models to incorporate images, video, and sound, bringing the power of large language models (LLMs) to millions of new use cases.

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    Značky: #Rozne

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      www.infoworld.com /article/3712644/can-chatgpt-drive-my-car-the-case-for-llms-in-autonomy.html