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      What a Professor’s Firing Shows About Sexual Harassment in China

      news.movim.eu / TheNewYorkTimes · 2 days ago - 04:01

    A top Chinese university described the conduct of a professor accused of sexual harassment as a moral failing, language feminists say downplays harm to women.
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      Violence against women a ‘national emergency’ in England and Wales, police say

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · 5 days ago - 23:01

    National Police Chiefs’ Council analysis reveals 2m women a year estimated to be victims of male violence

    Two million women are estimated to be victims of violence perpetrated by men each year in an epidemic so serious it amounts to a “national emergency”, police chiefs have warned.

    Crimes including stalking, harassment, sexual assault and domestic violence affect one in 12 women in England and Wales, with the number of recorded offences growing by 37% in the past five years and the perpetrators getting younger.

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      Sexual harassment still ‘rife’ in UK schools, poll of female staff finds

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Monday, 17 June - 23:01

    A quarter of secondary school staff say they have witnessed sexual harassment in their place of work

    Sexual harassment is still “rife” in schools in the UK, according to a poll of mainly female support staff, some of whom complained of inappropriate sexual comments and physical harassment by male pupils and some male colleagues.

    One in 10 of the secondary school staff who responded to the survey said they had been sexually harassed, while a quarter said they had witnessed sexual harassment in their place of work in the past five years. Among staff across all school stages, 7% had suffered sexual harassment.

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      Men should heed female hillwalkers’ safety concerns, says climbing expert

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Monday, 17 June - 15:40

    List of ‘horror stories’ highlights need to respect women’s personal space and avoid patronising questions

    Male mountaineers should be more mindful of women’s concerns about their personal safety in remote areas and avoid patronising them by questioning their map-reading abilities, a climbing expert has said.

    The advice comes in response to female hillwalkers and mountaineers saying sceptical attitudes towards their skills and unwanted attention are discouraging women from taking up the sport.

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      Carey Mulligan and Keira Knightley join calls for UK creative industries anti-harassment body

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Wednesday, 5 June - 16:02

    Emerald Fennell, Cara Delevingne and Naomie Harris also among 25 signatories asking companies to fund the the Creative Industry Independent Standards Authority

    A collection of stellar British film industry names, including Carey Mulligan, Keira Knightley and Naomie Harris, have joined calls to ensure that funds will be available to back a newly established independent organisation designed to combat harassment across the creative industries.

    They are among the signatories of an open letter calling on companies to commit to provide financial contributions to the Creative Industry Independent Standards Authority (CIISA), which is due to begin operations in 2025. There are 25 signatories in all, including Saltburn director Emerald Fennell, Cara Delevingne, Rebecca Ferguson, Ruth Wilson and Harvey Weinstein’s former assistant Zelda Perkins.

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      Luis Rubiales to stand trial for World Cup kiss of footballer Jenni Hermoso

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Wednesday, 8 May - 18:32

    Former Spanish soccer federation chief faces one count of sexual assault and one of coercion for alleged actions in the aftermath

    The former Spanish soccer federation chief Luis Rubiales will stand trial for his unsolicited kiss of the national team player Jenni Hermoso after a high court judge admitted the case, the court said on Wednesday.

    Rubiales faces one count of sexual assault and one of coercion for his alleged actions in the aftermath of the kiss. The offences carry prison terms of one year and 18 months, respectively.

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      Former female trainee in Royal Marines says sexual assault was dismissed as ‘high jinks’

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Monday, 6 May - 04:00

    Marines ‘want to protect the chain of command’, she says. ‘They don’t want to protect women’

    When Isabel became a trainee for the Royal Marines band, she thought she was fulfilling a childhood dream. But within a few weeks the 18-year-old found herself subject to what she describes as a sexual assault, an incident that was rapidly dismissed by her commanding officers as “high jinks” – and subsequently felt ostracised to the point where she became suicidal.

    Isabel, whose name has been changed to protect her identity, eventually simply walked off the base, feeling overwhelmed and unable to continue. Though it is about a decade since the original episode and several years since she received compensation, it is only now she feels confident enough to describe what happened.

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      Train driver who upskirted female passenger avoids jail sentence

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Friday, 19 April - 18:10

    Paolo Barone found guilty of voyeurism after taking photos of sleeping woman on train to St Albans in 2022

    A Thameslink train driver who took photos up a woman’s skirt while she was asleep on a train has avoided jail, despite being found guilty of voyeurism.

    The driver, Paolo Barone, was on his way home from a shift in September 2022 when he saw that the woman, 51, had fallen asleep on a train travelling from London Blackfriars to St Albans in Hertfordshire.

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      The world has changed. So why do businessmen still think they can harass women at work parties? | Stefan Stern

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Thursday, 4 April - 10:00

    Trade bodies are setting out rules to avoid ‘unacceptable’ behaviour, but part of the problem is how we view work itself

    An old, cruel joke claimed David Beckham wore headphones at all times so a voice could remind him to “breathe in, breathe out”. Some things that should come naturally don’t.

    You might think that a code of conduct for adult professionals attending a work-related social event, reminding them to “be considerate and respectful to each other” and “refrain from any unacceptable conduct” (defined elsewhere in the code), falls into the same category of advice as Beckham’s breathing tips.

    Stefan Stern is co-author of Myths of Management and the former director of the High Pay Centre

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