• chevron_right

      Movim 0.24 Mueller

      Timothée Jaussoin · pubsub.movim.eu / Movim · Tuesday, 23 April - 20:51 edit · 2 minutes · 12 visibility

    Movim 0.24, codename Mueller is out. Let's dive in all the new exciting things that you can find in this new release!

    What's new?

    XEP-0386: Bind 2, XEP-0388: Extensible SASL Profile and XEP-0474: SASL SCRAM Downgrade Protection

    Movim was definitely not the first one integrating those XMPP extensions but their implementation finally brings a much modern authentication stack to the project.

    Bind 2 and Extensible SASL Profile greatly simplifies the authentication flow allowing Movim to connect (and reconnect) even faster, don't worry the older method is still there and will allow you to connect on #XMPP servers that don't support yet this new mechanism.

    SASL SCRAM Downgrade Protection is a small security layer that sits on top of SASL (the authentication framework used by XMPP) to prevent channel-binding downgrades attack during the handshakes methods. It starts to be enforced by several servers nowadays such as ejabberd.

    We would like to thank fabiang that did an awesome work on the #PHP #SASL library to add the SCRAM Downgrade Protection to it and allow a proper integration of the feature in Movim. Thanks!

    Complete page navigation loading refactoring

    You may not have seen it but a big #refactoring work was done under the hood to greatly simplify the navigation system in Movim.

    This allows you to have a working and reliable "back-button" experience across the user interface. It is actually especially noticeable on mobile where the back button is used a lot to switch between the different UI elements (drawers, pages, sliders...).

    This refactoring also fixed a few important bugs regarding the user interface internal events that were creating weird behaviors. For example, in some cases, when you were loading several time the same page in a row, the same event was attached several time to some buttons creating an mess when clicking on it.

    And finally the browser - server connection (that relies on a Websocket) was also refactored and simplified fixing numerous connectivity bugs that we had until now.

    Changes when publishing an article

    A new post publish form

    The post publication form was slightly reorganized. The post privacy toggle was more clearly defined and another one, to disable comments and likes, was added next to it.

    Interface improvements

    Since its big rewrite in 2014 Movim relies on the Google #Material Design system. This version continue the integration of Material 3 with the redesign of the search and chat boxes as well as small forms and buttons details.

    A new placeholder was also added when starting a new chat allowing you to quickly add the user to your contact list or block him.

    New chat placeholder

    Other fixes and improvements

    A few #OMEMO bugs were also fixed, especially the bug #1261 that was preventing Movim users to decrypt their own messages in chatrooms.

    Movim <3 Linphone

    We also fixed an annoying video-conferencing bug (#1274) that was preventing Movim to accept some specific audio and video calls. This allows Movim to process calls properly coming from #SIP bridges and to connect with SIP clients like Linphone !

    We would like to especially thanks toastal for his several contributions to the project including internal image size picture management, a big refactoring of the internal language management system and some more minor interface and performances fixes.

    What's next?

    This version prepared the last important bricks required to introduce the early steps of the big audio and video-conferencing refactoring, especially with all the navigation and interface internal events management that was done the past few releases.

    We will tell you more about it soon, stay tuned!

    In the meantime, please share the good news around you and don't forget to update your server if you're an admin!

    That's all folks!

    • chevron_right

      Mobile-friendly Gateway to any SIP Provider

      Stephen Paul Weber · Thursday, 22 February - 13:15 edit · 2 minutes · 11 visibility

    We have for a long time supported the public Cheogram SIP instance, which allows easy interaction between the federated Jabber network and the federated SIP network. When it comes to connecting to the phone network via a SIP provider, however, very few of these providers choose to interact with the federated SIP network at all. It has always been possible to work around this with a self-hosted PBX, but documentation on the best way to do this is scant. We have also heard from some that they would like hosting the gateway themselves to be easier, as increasingly people are familiar with Docker and not with other packaging formats. So, we have sponsored the development of a Docker packaging solution for the full Cheogram SIP solution, including an easy ability to connect to an unfederated SIP server

    XMPP Server

    First of all, in order to self-host a gateway speaking the XMPP protocol on one side, you’ll need an XMPP server. We suggest Prosody, which is already available from many operating systems. While a full Prosody self-hosting tutorial is out of scope here, the relevant configuration to add looks like this:

    Component "asterisk"
        component_secret = "some random secret 1"
        modules_disabled = { "s2s" }
    Component "sip"
        component_secret = "some random secret 2"
        modules_disabled = { "s2s" }

    Note that, especially if you are going to set the gateway up with access to your private SIP account at some provider, you almost certaintly do not want either of these federated. So no DNS setup is needed, nor do the component names need to be real hostnames. The rest of this guide will assume you’ve used the names here.

    If you don’t use Prosody, configuration for most other XMPP servers should be similar.

    Run Docker Image

    You’ll need to pull the Docker image:

    docker pull singpolyma/cheogram-sip:latest

    Then run it like this:

    docker run -d \
        --network=host \
        -e COMPONENT_DOMAIN=sip \
        -e COMPONENT_SECRET="some random secret 2" \
        -e ASTERISK_COMPONENT_DOMAIN=asterisk \
        -e ASTERISK_COMPONENT_SECRET="some random secret 1" \
        -e SIP_HOST=sip.yourprovider.example.com \
        -e SIP_USER=your_sip_username \
        -e SIP_PASSWORD=your_sip_password \
        -e SIP_JID=your-jabber-id@yourdomain.example.com \

    If you just want to connect with the federated SIP network, you can leave off the SIP_HOST, SIP_USER, SIP_PASSWORD, and SIP_JID. If you are using a private SIP provider for connecting to the phone network, then fill in those values with the connection information for your provider, and also your own Jabber ID so it knows where to send calls that come in to that SIP address.

    Make a Call

    You can now make a call to any federated SIP address at them\40theirdomain.example.com@sip and to any phone number at +15551234567@sip which wil route via your configured SIP provider.

    You should even be able to use the dialler in Cheogram Android:

    Cheogram Android DiallerCheogram Android Dialler

    Inbound calls will route to your Jabber ID automatically as well.

    What About SMS?

    Cheogram SIP does have some basic support for SIP MESSAGE protocol, so if your provider has that it may work, but more testing and polish is needed since this is not a very common feature at providers we have tested with.

    Where to Learn More

    If you have any questions or feedback of any kind, don’t hesistate to stop by the project channel which you can get on the web or using your Jabber ID.

    • chevron_right

      Newsletter: Action required for SIP accounts, new inbound call features, and more!

      Stephen Paul Weber · Wednesday, 20 October, 2021 - 02:00 · 2 minutes

    Hi everyone!

    Welcome to the latest edition of your pseudo-monthly https://jmp.chat update!

    In case it’s been a while since you checked out JMP, here’s a refresher: JMP lets you send and receive text and picture messages (and calls) through a real phone number right from your computer, tablet, phone, or anything else that has a Jabber client. Among other things, JMP has these features: Your phone number on every device; Multiple phone numbers, one app; Free as in Freedom; Share one number with multiple people.

    The biggest announcement this month is the launch of our new inbound voice and SIP account system! Due to changes at our major carrier partner, all inbound call handling had to be rewritten and the SIP accounts some people use are moving to a new server with a new server name. As part of this rewrite you can now use the configure calls command to set call forwarding to any XMPP, SIP, or tel URI without involving support. If you haven’t used the JMP bot before, you do so by sending a message to your cheogram.com contact with the text of the command you want to run. You can send help for a list.

    If you have not tried it yet, now would be a great time to try our features allowing calling from your Jabber account. All your regular SMS contacts can be called as well with no changes on your part, from any client that supports voice calls. Inbound calls can be routed to your Jabber ID using the configure calls command.

    If you still need a SIP account for some reason (such as to use with a device that does not support Jabber calls) you will need to use the reset sip account command to get a username and password on the new server, as the old server will be going away soon. Be sure to use UDP as the transport!

    In other news, our founder Denver Gingerich (ossguy) has returned from his leave and is rejoining us in day-to-day operations. You will see him more often in the chatroom and sometimes answering support.

    There has also been a bit of movement on the mobile app front. We have been partially sponsoring development work on the now-released Snikket iOS which is now our recommended client for all iOS users. When paired with a Snikket server this client should receive calls and messages reliably, and also supports DTMF (entering digits for phone menus) during calls.

    We’ve also had a volunteer working with us to clean up some of the features in our prototype app for Android. Not many visible changes yet (except for a much better icon to open the DTMF pad) but watch this space for updates.

    As always, if you have any questions, feel free to reply to this email or find us in the group chat per below. We’re happy to chat whenever we’re available!

    To learn what’s happening with JMP between emails like this, here are some ways you can find out:

    Thanks for reading and have a wonderful rest of your week!

    • chevron_right

      Kostenlose Ferngespräche zu Ostern

      ST · pubsub.movim.eu / CCCEvent · Monday, 1 March, 2021 - 16:54 · 2 minutes

    [ English Version below ]

    Nun ist es genau ein Jahr her, dass uns die Pandemie in die Party gegrätscht ist. Das Digital Verteilte Online-Chaos ( DiVOC ) Jährt sich zum ersten Mal unter dem Motto Reboot to Respawn (R2R) und ermöglicht es uns einen Ort im Netz zu haben, um uns zu treffen und uns auszutauschen. Gerahmt wird das Ganze von Karfreitag bis Ostermontag (02.04. – 05.04.2021) mit einem Programm aus Vorträgen, Kunst und Musik.  :-)

    Damit ihr wie gewohnt ungestört und unüberwacht kommunizieren könnt wird es auch wieder eine Telefoninfrastruktur geben, die technisch der des rC3 entsprechen wird. Die Registrierung der Nebenstellen ist bereits geöffnet.

    Es werden SIP , Announcement und Eventphone Decentralized DECT Infrastructure (EPDDI) zur Verfügung stehen.

    Für Chaos Studios, Hackerspaces & Chaostreffs stellen wir eine kleine Anzahl an RFPs (Antennen) zur Verfügung. Wie immer brauchen wir dafür zuverlässige Ansprechpartner*innen die sich um den Versand kümmern und sicherstellen, dass wir die Antennen auch nach dem Event sicher zurückbekommen. Wenn du eine EPDDI Zelle betreiben möchtest, lies dir die EPDDI Doku durch und stelle einen passenden Router bereit.  Wenn das der Fall ist, melde dich unter poc ‘at’ eventphone.de. Der Versand findet am 22.03.2021 statt.

    Ab 22.03.2021 wird auch spätestens die Telefoninfrastruktur laufen.

    Schwankungen im Betriebsablauf kommunizieren wir wie gewohnt via Twitter .

    Viel Spaß an den Geräten und bleibt gesund,
    euer Eventphone Team

    Free long distance calls at Easter

    It’s been exactly one year since the pandemic crashed our party. The DiVOC (german: Digital Verteiltes Online-Chaos, means Digital Distributed Online Chaos) will be celebrating its first anniversary under the motto Reboot to Respawn (R2R) and will allow us to have a place on the net to meet and exchange ideas. Framed from Good Friday to Easter Monday (02.04. – 05.04.2021) with a program of talks, art and music.  :-)

    To ensure that you can communicate undisturbed and unwatched as usual, there will be again a telephone infrastructure, which will technically correspond to that of the rC3. The registration of extensions is already open.

    SIP , Announcement and Eventphone Decentralized DECT Infrastructure (EPDDI) will be available.

    For Chaos Studios, Hackerspaces & Chaostreffs we provide a small number of RFPs (antennae). As always, we need reliable contact persons to take care of the shipping and to make sure that we get the antennas back safely after the event. If you want to run an EPDDI cell, please read the EPDDI documentation (currently only in german) and provide a suitable router. Than contact us at poc ‘at’ eventphone.de. The shipment will take place on 22.03.2021.

    From 22.03.2021 at the latest, the telephone infrastructure will also be up and running.

    We will communicate fluctuations in the operating process via Twitter .

    Have fun  and stay healthy,
    your Eventphone Team

    Photo: ST ( CC BY 4.0 )

    • chevron_right

      rC3: Call for Calls

      ST · pubsub.movim.eu / CCCEvent · Tuesday, 10 November, 2020 - 18:42 · 3 minutes

    [ English Version below ]

    Die Jahresendveranstaltung rC3 wird in diesem Jahr im digitalen Raum stattfinden. Das stellt uns als Phone Operation Center vor neue Herausforderungen. Wer uns kennt weiß, dass bei uns ein “Herausforderung angenommen” zum guten Ton gehört.

    Die sozialen Medien lassen erahnen, dass wir an einer Lösung arbeiten, um ein sehr großes dezentrales SIP & DECT Telefonnetz zu ermöglichen. Unsere Vision:

    Ein Netz wie auf dem Kongress – überall wo Du es willst.

    Unser Plan ist, die SIP Infrastruktur ab 15.11.2020 (0 Uhr) im Live-Betrieb zu haben. Danach werden wir Stück für Stück DECT Zellen via VPN anbinden und in Betrieb nehmen. So könnt ihr schon während der Planung und des Aufbaus die Telefonie-Infrastruktur nutzen. Der direkte Draht zu eurem Team, eurem Space oder eurer Bühne. Keiner Hört mit oder speichert Metadaten. Danach werden wir Stück für Stück DECT Zellen via VPN anbinden und in Betrieb nehmen.

    Die Registrierung von Nebenstellen für das rC3 ist geöffnet und es können Nebenstellen reserviert werden.

    Ihr wollt auch eine DECT Zelle betreiben?

    Super, denn ohne euch geht es nicht. Wir wollen Chaos Studios, Hackerspaces, Chaostreffs, Büros, Spaces, Keller & Wohnzimmer mit DECT versorgen. Dafür haben wir Eventphone Decentralized DECT Infrastructure (EPDDI) für euch entwickelt. Weiterführende Informationen wird es ab Mitte November in unserem Wiki unter EPDDI geben. Wer überhaupt nicht versteht, was wir machen wird vielleicht in unserem Archiv unter Vorträge & Videos fündig, vielleicht auch unter Musik .

    Mitel DECT Antenne (RFP43)

    Mit EPDDI verbundene DECT Antenne (RFP43).

    Chaos Studios, Hackerspaces & Chaostreffs (ausschließlich) können wir eine kleine Anzahl an Antennen zur Verfügung stellen. Allerdings brauchen wir zuverlässige Ansprechpartner*innen die sich um den Versand kümmern und sicherstellen, dass wir die Antennen auch nach dem Event sicher zurückbekommen. Wenn das der Fall ist, meldet euch unter poc ‘at’ eventphone.de.

    Wir freuen uns auf das spannende Experiment und hoffen euch in den nächsten Wochen irgendwo im Cyberspace zu treffen. <3

    [English Version]

    rC3: Call for Calls

    This year, the year-end event of the Chaos Computer Club will take place in the digital space. This poses new challenges for us as Phone Operation Center. But those who know us will already know that a “challenge accepted” is part of good manners.

    For some time we have been working on a solution to enable a very large decentralized SIP & DECT telephone network. Our vision:

    Network like at the congress – everywhere you want it.

    Our plan is to have the SIP infrastructure in operation from the 15.11.2020 (0 o’clock). So you can use the telephony infrastructure already during planning and installation. The direct line to your team, your space or your stage. No one spies or saves metadata. After that, we will connect DECT cells via VPN piece by piece and putting them into operation.

    The registration of extensions for the rC3 event is already open and extensions can be reserved.

    You want to operate a DECT cell as well?

    Great, because it won’t work without you. We want to provide Chaos Studios, Hackerspaces, Chaostreffs, offices, spaces, cellars and living rooms with DECT. Therefore we have developed Eventphone Decentralized DECT Infrastructure (EPDDI) for you. Further information will be available in our Wiki under EPDDI from mid-November.

    MikroTik Router (hex)

    First working EPDDI Router.

    We can provide a small number of antennas for Chaos Studios, Hackerspaces & Chaostreffs (exclusively). But we do need reliable contact persons to take care of the shipping and to ensure that we get the antennas back safely after the event. If you think this is for you, please contact us at poc ‘at’ eventphone.de.

    We are looking forward to this exciting experiment and hope to meet you somewhere in cyberspace in the following weeks. <3

    Photos: ST ( CC BY 4.0 )

    • chevron_right

      Audio (and soon video) calls between XMPP and SIP accounts!

      Timothée Jaussoin · pubsub.movim.eu / Movim · Sunday, 23 August, 2020 - 21:06 edit

    Thanks to the awesome work of Singpolyma there is now a bridge between the #XMPP and the #SIP networks. Both standards are able to exchange information to setup audio calls.

    A few things were fixed in Movim to do so (mostly related to the format of the account identifiers used for the protocol bridge system) but now everything seems to work fine. You can find the tool at this address: git.singpolyma.net/cheogram-sip. It is still in heavy development but it progressing quite rapidly.

    Here is the same call from Movim and the #Linphone SIP client. Calls are also working with the Conversations client as well.

    More than a simple tech demo, this can bring quite a lot of useful possibilities. SIP is widely deployed especially in telephony. Calling a remote IP phone directly from your XMPP account could be really convenient.

    Using a simple movim.eu account nowadays you can already connect to several other networks, such as IRC or Telegram and group everything in one UI. Having SIP on top really brings the whole experience to another level.

    Have fun with Movim and movim.eu and don't forget to support the project by sharing links around!

    • chevron_right

      FrOSCon Cloud Edition 2020

      ST · pubsub.movim.eu / CCCEvent · Friday, 21 August, 2020 - 11:01

    Morgen (22.08.2020) startet die Free and Open Source Software Conference (FrOSCon) als Online-Event . Beginn ist 9:30 9:20 Uhr. An beiden Konferenztagen wird in 4 Streams ein breites Vortragsprogramm gesendet. Die Schwerpunkte in diesem Jahr sind:

    • Antivirus Software – Wie Open Source Software dabei helfen kann, die Krise zu überwinden.
    • Der Markt regelt das – Videokonferenzen: Zoom auf den großen blauen Knopf im Team.
    • (Zusammen)Arbeiten trotz Corona – Was wir auf dem Weg ins Home-Office gelernt haben.
    • Datenschutz vs. Pandemiebekämpfung – Wer schützt unsere Daten vor dem Virus?
    • Wolken am Horizont – Was passiert, wenn kein Platz mehr in der Cloud ist für Deine App?
    • Infrastruktur as a Scalability-Issue – Need more bandwidth, VPNs and everything

    Alles was Du für die kostenlose Teilnahme benötigst, ist Internet und einen Webbrowser.

    Auch Eventphone ist dabei und stellt Kommunikationsinfrastruktur zur Verfügung. Du kannst Dir zum Beispiel eine SIP Nebenstelle anlegen und mit anderen Teilnehmenden sprechen, spezielle Dienste entdecken oder am virtuellen PoC Tisch vorbeischauen.