• chevron_right

      Helpful advisory in job description

      debacle · Thursday, 27 May, 2021 - 08:00 edit

    In some work environments it is - unfortunately - not yet possible to avoid the use of certain shady, non-free services. Even in the area of #freesoftware. Of course, many of us would prefer not to use #Zoom or #Slack etc.

    Still, many #job description do not contain any hint, that such tools are used at work. (I'm not looking for a job, so I might have missed a new trend here.) Therefore kudos to #OTS (Open Tech Strategies) for including this warning in their job posting on the #Debian jobs mailing list:

    Please note that some of our clients use proprietary communications tools, e.g., Zoom, Google Docs, Slack, etc, and therefore applicants need to be willing to use such tools when interacting with those clients.



    • chevron_right

      Update Your Slack Passwords Now, Android Users

      pubsub.dcentralisedmedia.com / LifehackerAustralia · Tuesday, 9 February, 2021 - 20:37 · 1 minute

    Over the weekend, some Slack Android users received a seemingly random email urging them to update their passwords. The email claims a bug in the Android app incorrectly logged password data as plaintext that could be easily scooped up by hackers.

    I don’t blame you if you ignored the email — it has many signs of a phishing scam — but it’s legit. Android Police confirmed with multiple Slack representatives that the emails originated from Slack, the security issues are real, and the links within the message are safe to click. While there’s no evidence passwords have been stolen or accounts hacked, Slack is proactively asking users to update their passwords.

    Slack’s email includes instructions for changing your password and clearing your app cache, but it’s unclear if all affected users were alerted, so it’s wise for anyone using Slack on Android to follow the company’s suggestions, even if they didn’t get the email. Here’s what you need to do:

    First, update your password with the link in Slack’s email, or under your account settings on Slack’s website.

    Next, make sure you have the right version of Slack installed. This part is simple: If Slack works on your phone, you have the right version; if not, you can safely download the latest build from Google Play. Google removed the bugged version of the app from Google Play, which also disabled it on devices that had previously downloaded it, so there’s no risk in using the app anymore.

    With the correct version of Slack installed on your device, the last step is to clear the app’s data cache to ensure the improperly-stored password data is removed. There are two ways to do this:

    ( Note: Clearing the app cache logs you out of Slack, so make sure you sign back in afterward.)

    1. In your Android settings, g o to Settings > Apps > Slack > Storage and select “ Clear Data or Storage .
    2. Long-press the Slack icon from your app launcher. Tap App Info , then Storage , then select “Clear Data or Storage.”

    The post Update Your Slack Passwords Now, Android Users appeared first on Lifehacker Australia .

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      Movim: alternativa a Facebook

      adb · pubsub.movim.eu / hispanos · Sunday, 31 January, 2021 - 07:12 edit

    Movim es una red social y chat parecida a #Facebook pero #libre, descentralizada, con soporte para comunidades, foros, blogs/páginas, grupos de chats integrados con las salas de #XMPP / #Jabber, stickers, gif animados, bolita verde para saber quien está online, saber quien está escribiendo, reaccionar a los mensajes con cualquier emoji, también puedes encontrar contenido adulto, memes, puedes usar apps como blabber.im para chatear, puente entre tu cuenta de #Movim y #Telegram, #Discord, #Slack, #RocketChat, etc.

    Lee el artículo completo aquí: https://writefreely.public.cat//adbenitez/movim-alternativa-a-facebook

    • chevron_right

      Slack Privacy Policy

      Timothée Jaussoin · Wednesday, 6 January, 2016 - 07:37 edit · 1 minute

    For every teams that are using Slack. Be sure that you are ok with the Privacy Policy of the platform.

    We may employ third party companies or individuals to process personal information on our behalf based on our instructions and in compliance with this Privacy Policy. For example, we may share data with a security consultant to help us get better at preventing unauthorized access or with an email vendor to send messages on our behalf. We may also share data with hosting providers, payment processors, marketing vendors, and other consultants who work on our behalf.

    We may also share aggregated or de-identified information with our partners or others for business or research purposes. For example, we may tell a prospective Slack customer the average number of messages sent within a Slack team in a day or may partner with research firm or academics to explore interesting questions about workplace communications. Again, this policy is not intended to prohibit the disclosure and use of aggregated or de-identified data.

    All the communication made with Slack are saved on their servers in a way that they can have access to everything in a quite simple way (including conversation history, files…).

    And to clarify the last sentence in bold, if I understand correctly (correct me if I'm wrong) : "this policy allow the disclosure and use of aggregated or identified data (with our partners)".