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      J’ai cru aux mensonges d’Iron Man

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · 6 days ago - 14:10

    Il y a 12 ans, sortait le premier film Avengers. Le personnage de Tony Stark y était dépeint comme un entrepreneur insupportable, mais marrant. En 2024, difficile de ne pas y voir l'écho des hommes bien réels qui l'ont inspiré. C'est le thème de la newsletter Règle 30 de Lucie Ronfaut cette semaine.

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      Discutez avec les interviews de Steve Jobs !

      news.movim.eu / Korben · Tuesday, 7 May - 05:00

    Fans de Steve Jobs, réjouissez-vous !

    Grâce à la magie de l’ intelligence artificielle , vous allez pouvoir discuter avec votre gourou préféré. Enfin, quand je dis « discuter », c’est un bien grand mot. Disons plutôt que vous allez pouvoir poser des questions à un modèle de langage entraîné sur une petite quantité d’interviews et discours de Steve Jobs himself.

    Pour cela, le créateur de ce chatbot a utilisé un service nommé Jelli.io qui permet justement de chatter avec des vidéos et le résultat est plutôt cool, même si le chatbot n’incarne pas directement Steve Jobs (pour des questions éthiques j’imagine et pour n’énerver personne…)

    Bref, de quoi vous inspirer et vous motiver sans forcement mater des heures et des heures d’interviews.

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      8 Inspiring Ways Steve Jobs Changed the World

      blabla.movim.eu / addicted2success-com:0 · Sunday, 5 May - 21:00 edit · 6 minutes

    With Steve Jobs’s resignation as the CEO of Apple, the world went into a tizzy. Scrip fell and recovered gradually. He is one of the most iconic CEOs in the world and is a leadership icon who always sets high standards for innovation. He changed the way people use technology through constant innovation.

    Apple’s success can be ascribed to two things: visionary leadership and innovative leadership. Steve was a rare leader who possessed these two leadership traits and integrated them effectively to put Apple on the international map. He became synonymous with Apple and here are the hallmarks of his leadership.

    Steve = Passion

    Follow your passion as your passion ultimately delivers the goods and determines your destiny.  It is a fact that the people who pursued their passions rather than money earned both name and fame and carved a niche for themselves.  

    The success of the iPod is possible because Steve passionately spent four hours a week, 50 weeks a year for 12 years, discussing with software, hardware, and design experts to come up with the most brilliant ideas. 

    Research reveals that given the choice between passion and money, it is the passion that counts, not money.  When you work in your passionate areas you enjoy your life and provide meaning to your life.  

    Over some time you will be contributing your best thus delivering amazing outcomes. When people work in their passionate domains they don’t feel that they are working anymore as they don’t get stressed out due to their deep involvement, commitment, and passion.

    Such people create their own identities and build their own brands.  In the long run, they are recognized and rewarded. Then money starts flowing gradually. In contrast, when people opt for money and work they ruin their health as they don’t enjoy their lives and ultimately spending for doctors whatever they have earned.

    Steve = Vision

    Steve is such a visionary that where the imagination of others stops there starts his imagination and that made him stay ahead of his competitors. 

    Steve has clarity of mind. He knows where he would like to go and how he would take his people there. He created imagery pictures for his people and connected with them effectively.

    He is a great speaker who communicated well and articulated his vision effectively with his people. Only when vision is strong and well-articulated leaders can easily achieve their goals.

    Steve = Focus

    Steve is focused on his goals and objectives. He knows where his heart is and worked throughout his life with dedication thus hitting the bull’s eye.  

    He says, “People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully.”

    Steve = Example

    No leader can influence others easily except through example. Steve stands for example. He dedicated his life to technology and lived up to it. He walks his talk delivers his best and expects the best from others.

    It will have a tremendous impact on others thus contributing their best for organizational effectiveness and excellence.

    Steve = Tenacity

    Steve is noted for his tenacity and resilience. He has been fighting since the early days. He was an adopted child and survived by selling Coke bottles and having free meals at the Hare Krishna temple in Oregon.  He did not lose his heart when he was fired. 

    On his ouster from Apple Steve said, “It was awful-tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it.  Sometimes life’s gonna hit you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith.”  He focused on his work rather than blaming his circumstances. 

    He pursued his passion for technology. When he was recalled to Apple many doubted his capabilities in the then-prevailing business environment.  He proved his critics wrong and put Apple on top of the world through his passion and perseverance.

    He displayed tremendous tenacity since childhood by fighting against several odds stacked against him including cancer. 

    Steve = Persistence

    When we look at Edison he failed several times to invent the bulb.  When asked about the same he said that he did not fail but he had learned several ways that did not work to invent bulk.  Hence, it is persistence that makes people achieve big.  

    Steve stands for persistence.  He failed a number of times in his professional life.  But every time he learnt lessons and moved on without any regrets. 

    He once remarked, “I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.”

    Steve = Excellence

    Aristotle said, “Men acquire a particular quality by constantly acting in a particular way.” Steve acquired the quality of excellence by constantly working in technology.  He emphasized on value addition to the existing products and services through his constant innovation and creativity. 

    He believed in excellence rather than perfection.  He raised the bar for himself and others. It ultimately led to excellence thus staying ahead of others in the race. 

    Steve asserts, “Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.” 

    Steve = Apple

    Currently, Steve is synonymous with Apple and he created such an impact in the minds of people globally. His successor Timothy Cook has a tough challenge ahead.

    Whenever charismatic leaders left their successors felt the heat.  Leaders always find it tough to meet the aspirations and expectations of customers and consumers.  In the case of Timothy, it is very tough as his predecessor left a strong legacy who was charismatic and whose impact is deeply felt all over the world. However, Timothy would sail smoothly as Steve’s departure was well anticipated in advance due to his poor health, and succession was laid much earlier. 

    When the legendary Jack Welch left GE, the scrip fell and his successor Jeff Immelt found it tough to match the charisma of Jack Welch.  However, through his soft leadership, Jeff could gradually fill the slot by molding as per the prevailing business environment. 

    Similarly, Timothy would evolve gradually as a leader with his own identity.  However, it is still difficult to match Steve’s charisma.

    Steve falls into the category of hard leaders and transactional leaders like Jack Welch who means business with a task-orientation mindset. 

    Although it is not appreciated currently it is still prevalent and we cannot altogether get out of hard leadership as people are different and leaders are different in their attitudes, aptitudes styles, and temperaments.  

    Steve becomes an amazing case study for many; be it for students or executives who proved that everything is possible in this world through passion, vision, mission, execution, and above all, innovation.

    Most charismatic leaders hit their horns and create a leadership vacuum.  They make their absence felt more. 

    Although Steve is a charismatic leader he paved the succession smooth but his absence will be felt more with his resignation. By leaving as CEO of Apple Steve handed over a big job for his successor Timothy Cook.

    Steve = Legend

    When the entire technological world got into rate race and so-called PC wars, Steve trod the path less traveled thus becoming a trailblazer and legend.  He started as a small fish in a big pond and ultimately became a big pond of innovation and excellence. 

    He rewrote the rules of business and changed the way technology works. He made a qualitative difference in the lives of people through his technological contributions. 

    He is remembered not only for his outstanding contributions but also for his visionary and innovative leadership in the world.

    The post 8 Inspiring Ways Steve Jobs Changed the World appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

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      Jony Ive (ex-Apple), Sam Altman (OpenAI) et Laurene Powell Jobs vont-ils concurrencer l’iPhone ?

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Monday, 8 April - 10:22

    Depuis la fin de l'année 2023, la rumeur d'une alliance entre Jonathan Ive, le designer de légende d'Apple, et Sam Altman, le papa de ChatGPT, circule. Selon The Information, la veuve de Steve Jobs pourrait leur apporter un soutien financier.

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      Wild Apples: The 12 weirdest and rarest Macs ever made

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Wednesday, 24 January, 2024 - 12:00

    An artistic collage of weird and rare mac models on a blue background.

    Enlarge (credit: Benj Edwards / Jonathan Zufi / Apple)

    Forty years ago today, Apple released the first Macintosh . Since that fateful day in 1984, Apple has released hundreds of Mac models that run the gamut from amazing to strange. In honor of this birthday, we thought it would be fun to comb through history and pull out the rarest and most unusual production Mac models ever made—including one from another company.

    Each machine listed below was manufactured and sold to the public—no prototypes here. These computers highlight not only Apple's innovative spirit but also its willingness to take risks and experiment with design and functionality. It's worth noting that what is "weird" in this case is a matter of opinion, so you might have your own personal picks that we missed. If that's the case, let us know in the comments. And we'd love to hear what the Macintosh means to you on this 40th anniversary.

    Special thanks to Jonathan Zufi for providing several photos for this article. In 2014, Zufi created an excellent coffee table book called Iconic: A Photographic Tribute to Apple Innovation and formerly ran the Shrine of Apple website.

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      Le Mac a 40 ans : on a classé les 10 plus beaux ordinateurs Apple

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Wednesday, 24 January, 2024 - 07:01

    Le 24 janvier 1984, Steve Jobs dévoilait le tout premier Macintosh. Une gamme qui existe toujours quatre décennies plus tard, même si on la connaît sous l'abréviation Mac aujourd'hui. Dans cet article, Numerama rend hommage à 10 designs iconiques qui nous plaisent toujours autant en 2024.

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      Steve Jobs’ $4 check written in 1976 draws bid of over $33,000 at auction

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Wednesday, 6 December, 2023 - 20:55

    Check written to Radio Shack joins a hot market for Jobs’ signature and memorabilia

    A four-dollar check that Apple co-founder Steve Jobs wrote to Radio Shack in 1976 was up for auction on Wednesday at Boston-based RR Auction with a bid of more than $33,000 with five hours left to go.

    The signed check, drawn against an “Apple Computer Company” account at a Wells Fargo Bank branch in Los Altos, California, joins a hot market for Jobs’ signature and memorabilia.

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      Unauthorized “David Attenborough” AI clone narrates developer’s life, goes viral

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Thursday, 16 November, 2023 - 21:45

    Screen capture from a demo video of a fake, unauthorized David Attenborough narrating a developer's video feed.

    Enlarge / Screen capture from a demo video of an AI-generated unauthorized David Attenborough voice narrating a developer's video feed. (credit: Charlie Holtz)

    On Wednesday, Replicate developer Charlie Holtz combined GPT-4 Vision (commonly called GPT-4V) and ElevenLabs voice cloning technology to create an unauthorized AI version of the famous naturalist David Attenborough narrating Holtz's every move on camera. As of Thursday afternoon, the X post describing the stunt had garnered over 21,000 likes.

    "Here we have a remarkable specimen of Homo sapiens distinguished by his silver circular spectacles and a mane of tousled curly locks," the false Attenborough says in the demo as Holtz looks on with a grin. "He's wearing what appears to be a blue fabric covering, which can only be assumed to be part of his mating display."

    "Look closely at the subtle arch of his eyebrow," it continues, as if narrating a BBC wildlife documentary. "It's as if he's in the midst of an intricate ritual of curiosity or skepticism. The backdrop suggests a sheltered habitat, possibly a communal feeding area or watering hole."

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      Les proches de Steve Jobs publient un livre inédit gratuit

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Wednesday, 12 April, 2023 - 08:41

    steve-jobs-158x105.jpg steve-jobs

    Cet ouvrage de près de 200 pages revient sur les grands moments de la carrière de Steve Jobs de la création d'Apple à l'arrivée de l'iPhone.

    Les proches de Steve Jobs publient un livre inédit gratuit