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      ‘Pedal to the metal’: what can we expect from Stranger Things season five?

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Tuesday, 16 July - 14:04 · 1 minute

    A behind-the-scenes tease gives some new details on what we might get from the much-anticipated final episodes

    First, the bad news. Despite the last part of the most recent season coming out more than two years ago, the fifth and final season of Stranger Things won’t be out this year. The culmination to Netflix’s most iconic show won’t be seen until some point in mid to late 2025, presumably by which point all the cute kids we fell in love with back in 2016 will have beer bellies, five o’clock shadows and repeat prescriptions for osteoporosis medication.

    The better news is that Stranger Things has started to sense our impatience, which is why it has begun to dribble out information about the final season. A two-minute behind the scenes featurette dropped online on Monday, revealing that filming for season five is about halfway completed. Concrete details about what we can expect to see are remarkably thin on the ground – the video’s dialogue is almost exclusively limited to a) we’re excited about Stranger Things, b) you should be excited about Stranger Things and c) Stranger Things is good – but the more eagle-eyed among you might have noticed a few hints in the background.

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      Stranger Things : les créateurs partagent une très bonne nouvelle pour la saison 5

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Thursday, 4 July - 14:23

    Stranger Things Saison 5 Tournage

    Après un important retard lié à la grève des acteurs et des scénaristes, la série est repartie sur de bons rails.
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      Stranger Things : une saison 5 de tous les records

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Tuesday, 2 July - 05:34

    Stranger Things Saison 5 Infos

    La série phare de Netflix s'apprête à tirer sa révérence, mais pas avant un final de tous les superlatifs. Un personnage pourrait même revenir sur le devant de la scène.
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      Eddie de retour dans Stranger Things ? “Il y a de grandes chances”

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Monday, 1 July - 09:04

    Stranger Things Eddie Retour

    L'espoir n'est pas mort pour le personnage adoré des spectateurs.
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      Maya Hawke: I’m OK with having a life I don’t deserve due to nepotism

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Saturday, 1 June - 12:08

    Actor, daughter of Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman, says she rejected path of ‘changing name and getting nose job’

    The Stranger Things star Maya Hawke has said she is “comfortable with not deserving” the kind of life she has.

    The American actor and singer, the daughter of Hollywood actors Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman, said her relationship with them was “positive”, which “supersedes anything anyone can say about it”.

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      Comic Con France : voici la liste des prestigieux invités de l’édition 2024

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Monday, 25 March - 12:04

    Comic Con France Invités

    Star Wars, MacGyver et Stranger Things, la Comic Con ne lésine pas sur les grands noms pour célébrer son retour en France.
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      Maya Hawke: ‘I would have found a way to be an artist, even if I had been adopted’

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Saturday, 17 February - 11:55 · 1 minute

    As the child of Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman, the star has had to fight off ‘nepo baby’ claims. But, after acclaimed roles in Stranger Things and Tarantino and Wes Anderson films, she’s now forging her own path with a daring folk album

    Maya Hawke does not have an office, but there is a spot three blocks from her apartment that does the trick. On a sunny winter’s day in New York’s West Village, the actor and musician is tucked into the nook of a cosy restaurant with a modish menu and a rustic patina. The place exudes studied nonchalance, but Hawke strikes me as less quiet luxury and more of a thrift store magpie; her hair is braided in plaits, and she wears a few fine necklaces that she absently toys with while chatting. Her baggy navy jumper was knitted by her mum. “I’m not very fancy,” she says, pulling at her top. “You’re seeing me as me right now.”

    Hawke’s rise as an actor has been defined by well-chosen roles, assured performances and a taste for the kind of auteurish film-makers favoured by her parents, Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke. “Oh, Maya Hawke is in this?” is practically a meme thanks to her small but memorable parts as a fleet-footed Manson disciple in Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood, a daffy dancing-school mistress in Wes Anderson’s Asteroid City and, as Leonard Bernstein’s daughter in Bradley Cooper’s Maestro . And then there is the not-so-small: her breakout role in Netflix’s cultural juggernaut Stranger Things.

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      Stranger Things 5 entre officiellement en production : voici ce qu’il faut savoir

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Monday, 8 January, 2024 - 16:20

    Stranger Things 5 Netflix

    L'ultime saison de Stranger Things est enfin sur les rails suivant la grève des scénaristes et des acteurs à Hollywood.