• chevron_right

      Steam Deck system update greatly improves older LCD displays, too

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Friday, 17 November, 2023 - 18:19 · 1 minute

    Candy-coated color correction.

    Enlarge / Candy-coated color correction. (credit: Valve )

    With the release of the Steam Deck OLED this week, Valve has greatly improved on the "ho-hum" screen that was our biggest complaint about the original Steam Deck. But Valve hasn't forgotten about users who are still stuck using that old LCD display. Thursday's stable release of SteamOS version 3.5.5 offers a suite of free, system-level updates to improve and tweak the display performance on the original Steam Deck.

    The release notes for the new SteamOS boast of much-needed improvements to the "default color rendering" on the Steam Deck LCD, which should help the older hardware "emulate the sRGB color gamut, resulting in a slightly warmer and more vibrant color appearance," Valve writes. Even better, a new "adjust display colors" option in the settings menu now lets users easily adjust both the color vibrancy and color temperature to best fit their preferences and the games they're playing. Before the new update, these kinds of options were only available to users who went to the trouble of installing third-party plug-ins . Now, Valve has finally brought these basic adjustments to the Steam Deck-owning masses.

    The results, as you can see in the gallery of off-screen photos above, can have a dramatic impact on the look of in-game scenes. You can see a noticeable difference going from "Native" color vibrance (which Valve describes as "the color rendering for Steam Deck prior to this update") to the new "default" sRGB rendering. There's an even bigger change when you crank the vibrance slider all the way to "Boosted," which Valve says should "emulate a wider-gamut display appearance, resulting in increased apparent vibrance."

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      Bruce Willis denies selling deepfake rights to Deepcake

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Monday, 3 October, 2022 - 14:17 · 1 minute

    The real Bruce Willis at a film premiere in 2019.

    Enlarge / The real Bruce Willis at a film premiere in 2019. (credit: Getty Images )

    On Friday, Ars Technica reported that Bruce Willis had sold his likeness for use in deepfakes, according to The Telegraph. Dozens of news sites repeated the Telegraph's claim. Over the weekend, the BBC discovered that Bruce Willis has "no partnership or agreement" with the firm Deepcake, which is based in Georgia, the Eurasian republic.

    It's unclear how the inaccurate claim originated at The Telegraph . While reporting last Friday, we attempted to verify some of the claims in the original Telegraph article (such as Willis being the first actor to sell his deepfake rights), but we could not do so, and we noted that in the report. We also noted that Deepcake is doing business in America under a corporation registered in Delaware. However, we failed to follow through with verifying the entire claim, and we apologize for the error and for repeating the erroneous information.

    It's unclear if Deepcake ever had the rights to use Bruce Willis' likeness on its website or in its marketing materials. Deepcake told the BBC, "What he definitely did is that he gave us his consent (and a lot of materials) to make his Digital Twin." Deepcake also claims, per The Hollywood Reporter , that the company's involvement with Willis arrived through the Creative Artists Agency for use in a 2021 Russian cell phone commercial. However, Willis' representatives still deny having any involvement with the company.

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      Chrome patches high-severity 0-day, its 6th this year

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Tuesday, 6 September, 2022 - 19:26

    Close-up shot of the Chrome web browser's logo on an Android screen.

    Enlarge (credit: Getty Images | NurPhoto )

    Google engineers have issued an emergency update for the Chrome browser to fix a high-severity vulnerability that can be exploited with code that’s already available in the wild.

    The vulnerability, which Google disclosed on Friday , is the result of “insufficient data validation in Mojo,” a Chrome component for messaging across inter- and intra-process boundaries that exist between the browser and the operating system it runs on. The vulnerability, which is tracked as CVE-2022-3075, was reported to Google last Tuesday by an anonymous party.

    “Google is aware of reports that an exploit for CVE-2022-3075 exists in the wild,” the company said. The advisory didn’t provide additional details, such as whether attackers are actively exploiting the vulnerability or are simply in possession of exploit code.

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      [Supporter] Discount Codes & Other Perks

      RandoWis · comics.movim.eu / RandoWis · Monday, 10 January, 2022 - 12:33 · 1 minute

    Hey there!

    If you're seeing this message, it probably means you're using an RSS feeder or you've somehow managed to find the back-end message that protects supporter content.

    No worries, though, if you'd like to see this post you'll either need to sign up for a subscription tier here ,

    or if you're already supporting RandoWis, you might need to log in.

    If you saw the old message, then I apologise as it mentioned a now-removed $1 tier .

    It was meant as a placeholder that I forgot to delete and replace. Again, my apologies.

    Nonetheless, thank you for your love and support!

    Love you much much, and I hope you continue to enjoy RandoWis.

    P.S For RSS users:

    I have received feedback requesting a sort of categorised RSS feed, to prevent being notified of Supporter posts.

    I sincerely appreciate your honesty in wanting to not receive a perk you didn't sign up for, however, the indie-website building industry is notorious for creating roadblocks and charging ridiculous amounts (sometimes reaching $100's/year) for the most basic solutions.

    As you can tell where I'm going with this; in order to customise the RSS widget in any basic capacity (in this case, customising Categories) I'll have to pay a subscription fee (usually a recurring one) whose price depends on which publisher I picked and whether I picked their Bronze, Silver or Gold editions. Can you guess which edition has the customisability I need?

    Here's a hint: it's never the cheaper ones.

    With this in mind, I hope you understand why the RSS feed isn't categorised.

    I'll try to find a compromise that prevents any sort of unwanted viewership, but in the meantime,

    you have my gratitude for not wanting to snoop into what the Supporter's are seeing, even if it's just the post title.


    The post [Supporter] Discount Codes & Other Perks first appeared on RandoWis .

    • chevron_right

      [Supporter] The next MMO chapters are in the works!

      RandoWis · comics.movim.eu / RandoWis · Sunday, 2 January, 2022 - 08:46 · 1 minute

    Hey there!

    If you're seeing this message, it probably means you're using an RSS feeder or you've somehow managed to find the back-end message that protects supporter content.

    No worries, though, if you'd like to see this post you'll either need to sign up for a subscription tier here ,

    or if you're already supporting RandoWis, you might need to log in.

    If you saw the old message, then I apologise as it mentioned a now-removed $1 tier .

    It was meant as a placeholder that I forgot to delete and replace. Again, my apologies.

    Nonetheless, thank you for your love and support!

    Love you much much, and I hope you continue to enjoy RandoWis.

    P.S For RSS users:

    I have received feedback requesting a sort of categorised RSS feed, to prevent being notified of Supporter posts.

    I sincerely appreciate your honesty in wanting to not receive a perk you didn't sign up for, however, the indie-website building industry is notorious for creating roadblocks and charging ridiculous amounts (sometimes reaching $100's/year) for the most basic solutions.

    As you can tell where I'm going with this; in order to customise the RSS widget in any basic capacity (in this case, customising Categories) I'll have to pay a subscription fee (usually a recurring one) whose price depends on which publisher I picked and whether I picked their Bronze, Silver or Gold editions. Can you guess which edition has the customisability I need?

    Here's a hint: it's never the cheaper ones.

    With this in mind, I hope you understand why the RSS feed isn't categorised.

    I'll try to find a compromise that prevents any sort of unwanted viewership, but in the meantime,

    you have my gratitude for not wanting to snoop into what the Supporter's are seeing, even if it's just the post title.


    The post [Supporter] The next MMO chapters are in the works! first appeared on RandoWis .

    • chevron_right

      Next ‘MMO?!’ Chapter Out This Saturday (18/09/2021)!

      RandoWis · comics.movim.eu / RandoWis · Wednesday, 15 September, 2021 - 06:57

    Hey everyone!
    It’s been a long time coming, but the next chapter for ‘We Live In An MMO?!’ is out this Saturday!

    I’d also like to announce that I’m going to rename the titles of the MMO chapters to better reflect their releases.
    Chapter 7 (part 1) = Chapter 7
    Chapter 7 (part 2) = Chapter 8
    Chapter 7 (part 3) = Chapter 9
    Chapter 8 (part 1) = Chapter 10
    Chapter 8 (part 2) = Chapter 11
    etc.. etc…

    Hence, the latest chapter will be re-titled from “Chapter 8 (Part 3)” to “Chapter 12”!

    I’ll be updating the chapters over the next few days to make some changes to maintain consistency, and to re-title the title covers. Just a heads up in case you notice these changes.

    Anyway, thank you so much for your love and support!
    Love you much much and I’ll see you in the next post! ♥


    The post Next ‘MMO?!’ Chapter Out This Saturday (18/09/2021)! first appeared on RandoWis .

    • chevron_right

      Next ‘MMO?!’ Chapter Out This Saturday (18/09/2021)!

      RandoWis · comics.movim.eu / RandoWis · Wednesday, 15 September, 2021 - 06:57

    Hey everyone!
    It’s been a long time coming, but the next chapter for ‘We Live In An MMO?!’ is out this Saturday!

    I’d also like to announce that I’m going to rename the titles of the MMO chapters to better reflect their releases.
    Chapter 7 (part 1) = Chapter 7
    Chapter 7 (part 2) = Chapter 8
    Chapter 7 (part 3) = Chapter 9
    Chapter 8 (part 1) = Chapter 10
    Chapter 8 (part 2) = Chapter 11
    etc.. etc…

    Hence, the latest chapter will be re-titled from “Chapter 8 (Part 3)” to “Chapter 12”!

    I’ll be updating the chapters over the next few days to make some changes to maintain consistency, and to re-title the title covers. Just a heads up in case you notice these changes.

    Anyway, thank you so much for your love and support!
    Love you much much and I’ll see you in the next post! ♥


    • chevron_right

      I’ve Been Away.

      RandoWis · comics.movim.eu / RandoWis · Tuesday, 27 July, 2021 - 09:00

    Hey everyone.

    How you doin? Good?

    Apologies but MMO and animations have been delayed a little, as I’ve not been able to work on them over the past 5 days.

    I am expected to be discharged later today (27 July 2021), and after a bit of rest, I’d like to go back to making MMO and animations again.

    I’d prefer not to get into the details, but to reduce speculation; my intestines had some troubles again but it’s nothing major. Nonetheless, thanks to the hardwork of the doctors and nurses, the problems have subsided for now.

    In the meantime, please take care of yourselves. Eat healthily and sleep well.

    Love you much much and I’ll see you in the next post.


    • chevron_right

      I’ve Been Away.

      RandoWis · comics.movim.eu / RandoWis · Tuesday, 27 July, 2021 - 09:00

    Hey everyone.

    How you doin? Good?

    Apologies but MMO and animations have been delayed a little, as I’ve not been able to work on them over the past 5 days.

    I am expected to be discharged later today (27 July 2021), and after a bit of rest, I’d like to go back to making MMO and animations again.

    I’d prefer not to get into the details, but to reduce speculation; my intestines had some troubles again but it’s nothing major. Nonetheless, thanks to the hardwork of the doctors and nurses, the problems have subsided for now.

    In the meantime, please take care of yourselves. Eat healthily and sleep well.

    Love you much much and I’ll see you in the next post.


    The post I’ve Been Away. first appeared on RandoWis .