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      Sea of Thieves on PlayStation 5 review – ‘You’ll laugh, you’ll sail, you’ll drink grog until you’re sick’

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · 2 days ago - 12:00 · 1 minute

    Microsoft; PS5 (version tested), Xbox, PC; Rare
    You’re pirates on the ocean wave, fighting sea monsters and digging up buried treasure, but you’re also larking about playing musical instruments

    When Sea of Thieves originally set sail on Xbox in 2018, it promised a journey filled with shared adventure, but set off a little short on supplies. Though early sailors found a vast multiplayer ocean to explore, it was tough to get a reliable crew together and when you did, the quests were limited in scope and the islands offered little in the way of emergent entertainment. You came, you dug up what you were told to by one of the game’s quest givers, and you returned to an outpost to cash in your treasure, perhaps occasionally battling another crew of players en route.

    Over the past five years, however, developer Rare has added layer upon layer of extra content, from pets to fireworks to longer themed quests entitled Tall Tales, which are effectively games in their own right and include tie-ins with both The Secret of Monkey Island and Pirates of the Caribbean. Now various tasks and adventures can be discovered wherever you go, in shipwrecks, caves and other scenic features, so it’s possible to sail around in your boat, spotting interesting stuff and getting lost in side quests, like a pirate-themed version of Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

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      Microsoft opens a crack in console gaming’s decades-old walled garden

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Wednesday, 27 March - 15:58

    Will the fragile Xbox balloon pop if that cage is opened?

    Enlarge / Will the fragile Xbox balloon pop if that cage is opened? (credit: Aurich Lawson / Getty Images)

    Since the days of the NES, the one unshakable distinction between the PC and console gaming markets was the latter's "walled garden" approach to game distribution. For decades now, console makers have completely controlled the licensing and sales methods available for games on their own hardware.

    So when Microsoft Xbox chief Phil Spencer says that he's open to breaking down that walled garden for his consoles, it's a big deal.

    Speaking to Polygon in an interview at last week's Game Developers Conference, Spencer said he could foresee a future in which competing game marketplaces like the Epic Games Store or indie clearinghouse itch.io were available directly on Xbox hardware. “[Consider] our history as the Windows company," Spencer told Polygon. "Nobody would blink twice if I said, 'Hey, when you’re using a PC, you get to decide the type of experience you have [by picking where to buy games].' There’s real value in that."

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      Où précommander Assassin’s Creed Mirage au meilleur prix ?

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Saturday, 23 September, 2023 - 13:39

    [Deal du Jour] Prévu pour le 05 octobre 2023 sur PC et consoles de salon, le nouveau jeu de la saga <em>Assassin's Creed</em> semble revenir aux sources. Un épisode qui sent bon la nostalgie, dès maintenant disponible en précommande. [Lire la suite]

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      Bomb Rush Cyberfunk review – graffiti skateboard party like it’s 1999

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Thursday, 24 August, 2023 - 13:42 · 1 minute

    Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC; Team Reptile
    This spiritual successor to Jet Set Radio has the same stylish look and feel, though with better gameplay for the outlaw street gang

    Bomb Rush Cyberfunk imagines a kinder, gentler world, where culture was frozen in stasis in approximately 1999. The game is a spiritual successor to Jet Set Radio, the effortlessly stylish Dreamcast classic about a lovable gang of extreme-sports wayfarers carving up their city with inline skates, leaving splotches of neon graffiti on every billboard and subway car. Bomb Rush Cyberfunk makes hardly any significant improvements on that formula, and frankly, its most compelling feature might be the sheer dogmatic respect that developer Team Reptile shows for its chief inspiration.

    You’re playing as “Red”, a crimson robotic head strapped on to the decapitated torso of a legendary graffiti artist named Faux. The narrative unfolds as Red’s own self-actualisation process blends with the borrowed memories of the body he’s possessing (this is a cyberpunk game, after all), but those story beats fade to the background while you’re trying to perfect an extremely complex rail grind. This is a sports game at heart, albeit in the gravity-free arcade tradition.

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      Lancer Star Wars Jedi: Survivors sur PS4 et Xbox One est la pire idée de l’année

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Wednesday, 2 August, 2023 - 15:09

    Electronic Arts a décidé de retourner sa veste concernant Star Wars Jedi: Survivors. Le jeu aura droit à un portage sur PS4 et Xbox One, mais on ne sait pas quand. [Lire la suite]

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      La Xbox déploie enfin sa nouvelle interface pour tout le monde

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Thursday, 27 July, 2023 - 09:30

    black-friday-manettes-xbox-series-x-s-158x105.jpg Black Friday Manettes Xbox Series X/S

    Attendez vous à redécouvrir votre console lorsque cette mise à jour tant attendue fera son entrée dans les jours à venir.

    La Xbox déploie enfin sa nouvelle interface pour tout le monde

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      Pour Microsoft, la Xbox One est enfin de l&#8217;histoire ancienne

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Friday, 16 June, 2023 - 07:02

    Microsoft a annoncé que plus aucun de ses jeux ne sortira sur Xbox One, console lancée en 2013 dont la carrière opérationnelle s'est étalée sur une bonne dizaine d'années. [Lire la suite]

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      Foncez acheter Diablo IV, il est déjà à moins de 60 € avant sa sortie

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Wednesday, 31 May, 2023 - 08:47

    Diablo IV Inarius

    [Deal du Jour] Le 06 juin prochain sort Diablo IV, quatrième opus de la franchise Diablo. Onze ans après Diablo III, le nouvel hack ‘n’ slash de Blizzard Entertainment est une franche réussite. Vendu dans une version Standard au tarif de 79,99 euros, il est en précommande à moins de 60 € sur Amazon. [Lire la suite]

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      Hogwarts Legacy sort presque en secret sur PS4 et Xbox One

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Thursday, 4 May, 2023 - 14:21

    Disponible depuis le mois de février sur PS5, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X et PC, Hogwarts Legacy : L'héritage de Poudlard va refaire parler de lui avec l'arrivée des versions PS4 et Xbox One. [Lire la suite]

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