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      Facebook secretly spied on Snapchat usage to confuse advertisers, court docs say

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Wednesday, 27 March - 20:25

    Facebook secretly spied on Snapchat usage to confuse advertisers, court docs say

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    Unsealed court documents have revealed more details about a secret Facebook project initially called "Ghostbusters," designed to sneakily access encrypted Snapchat usage data to give Facebook a leg up on its rival, just when Snapchat was experiencing rapid growth in 2016.

    The documents were filed in a class-action lawsuit from consumers and advertisers, accusing Meta of anticompetitive behavior that blocks rivals from competing in the social media ads market.

    "Whenever someone asks a question about Snapchat, the answer is usually that because their traffic is encrypted, we have no analytics about them," Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg (who has since rebranded his company as Meta) wrote in a 2016 email to Javier Olivan.

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      YouTube prend de nouvelles mesures pour les contenus générés par IA

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Tuesday, 26 March - 14:14

    Youtube Ia Createurs (1)

    Les créateurs devront désormais préciser lorsqu'un contenu est généré par IA. La plateforme de Google veut jouer la carte de la transparence.
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      My son has learned a lot from YouTube, but he loves the screaming, blaring videos best | Séamas O'Reilly

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Sunday, 24 March - 09:30

    It’s not clear why they are so addictive for small children, but luckily there is a way to limit their consumption

    My son likes YouTube. A lot. Most of the videos he watches are inoffensive, some are excellent. We’ve sat together riveted watching videos on everything from craft-making and sea-life to web-skills and basic coding.

    His reading and maths comprehension have been demonstrably enhanced by ingeniously constructed tutorials on spelling and multiplication. I have a lot of time, too, for some of his favourite Minecraft and Lego tutorials, but for every lucid and witty piece of programming, there are several thousand which scream and blare hot nonsense directly into his brain.

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      Danse avec les stars d’Internet quitte Twitch pour TF1 : et alors ?

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Wednesday, 20 March - 10:00

    Michou, qui organise la version Internet de Danse avec les stars, a annoncé à sa communauté que la finale de l'émission serait diffusée sur TF1 en seconde partie de soirée. Nombreuses sont les personnes à s'offusquer de cette décision, perçue comme une victoire de la télévision traditionnelle sur Twitch.

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      YouTube will require disclosure of AI-manipulated videos from creators

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Tuesday, 19 March - 18:27

    YouTube will require disclosure of AI-manipulated videos from creators

    Enlarge (credit: Future Publishing | Getty Images)

    YouTube is rolling out a new requirement for content creators: You must disclose when you're using AI-generated content in your videos. The disclosure appears in the video upload UI and will be used to power an "altered content" warning on videos.

    Google previewed the "misleading AI content" policy in November , but the questionnaire is now going live. Google is mostly concerned about altered depictions of real people or events, which sounds like more election-season concerns about how AI can mislead people. Just last week, Google disabled election questions for its "Gemini" chatbot.

    As always, the exact rules on YouTube are up for interpretation. Google says it's "requiring creators to disclose to viewers when realistic content—content a viewer could easily mistake for a real person, place, or event—is made with altered or synthetic media, including generative AI," but doesn't require creators to disclose manipulated content that is "clearly unrealistic, animated, includes special effects, or has used generative AI for production assistance."

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      Avec #LoveArmy, Prime Video s’offre l’un des plus gros scandales de l’Internet français

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Tuesday, 19 March - 14:32

    Love Army

    Le documentaire #LoveArmy : Où es-tu Jérôme ? diffusé ce 20 mars sur Prime Video, la plateforme va tenter de lever le mystère sur l'affaire qui a secoué le monde des réseaux sociaux en 2017.
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      Contact publication

      pubsub.blastersklan.com / slashdot · Monday, 18 March - 14:48 edit · 1 minute

    Starting Monday, YouTube creators will be required to label when realistic-looking videos were made using artificial intelligence, part of a broader effort by the company to be transparent about content that could otherwise confuse or mislead users. From a report: When a user uploads a video to the site, they will see a checklist asking if their content makes a real person say or do something they didn't do, alters footage of a real place or event, or depicts a realistic-looking scene that didn't actually occur. The disclosure is meant to help prevent users from being confused by synthetic content amid a proliferation of new, consumer-facing generative AI tools that make it quick and easy to create compelling text, images, video and audio that can often be hard to distinguish from the real thing. Online safety experts have raised alarms that the proliferation of AI-generated content could confuse and mislead users across the internet, especially ahead of elections in the United States and elsewhere in 2024. YouTube creators will be required to identify when their videos contain AI-generated or otherwise manipulated content that appears realistic -- so that YouTube can attach a label for viewers -- and could face consequences if they repeatedly fail to add the disclosure.

    Read more of this story at Slashdot.

    YouTube Now Requires Creators To Label AI-Generated Content
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      news.slashdot.org /story/24/03/18/149245/youtube-now-requires-creators-to-label-ai-generated-content

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      Si vous n’avez pas de compte Google, YouTube ne fonctionnera plus correctement

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Monday, 18 March - 13:32

    Youtube Panne

    La plateforme reste gratuite, mais veut absolument vous convaincre de vous authentifier.
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      X/Twitter veut maintenant concurrencer YouTube sur les téléviseurs connectés

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Sunday, 17 March - 10:00

    Smart Tv

    X/Twitter veut se frotter à YouTube. Le réseau social d'Elon Musk s'apprêterait à lancer une application dédiée aux smart TV d'Amazon et de Samsung. Un tournant stratégique pour la plateforme, qui cherche désormais à s'imposer dans l'univers très concurrentiel du streaming vidéo.