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      Timothée Jaussoin · Friday, 21 August, 2020 - 12:24

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      Mr.Zan, purplesky, Orbifx, guy, Marzanna, Mathias Poujol-Rost ✅ , purplesun, Bigou, le VRAI!


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      Timothée Jaussoin · Monday, 23 March, 2020 - 07:45

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      RPi4: Installing Movim

      A little bit of history... My RPi4 already has an XMPP server running with Prosody, an everything is running great. But I wanted more functionality and Movim seemed to be a great fit. Pretty interface, great place for news feeds, and even has blogging included. Neat! As usual with my RPi4 I have to build my own images due to its ARM architecture, but that did not quite work with Movim. It loaded, but was unstable and many things did not work. I had a hunch it was something with the database, and many eons ago I had read something about bad Postgres performance or something when running in 32-bit mode… anyway, luckily Postgres has an image for both armhf (32-bit, default for RPi4) and arm64v8 (64-bit) architectures, so would be quite easy to test as long as Docker supported running arm64v8 in the RPi4 on Raspbian. Last time I looked it did not work, maybe something changed since then? Enabling 64-bit support And it did! Someone discovered how to run and build the 64-bit images that I needed, I described how to do it here in my other blog post here. After configuring Docker to run 64-bit images, it was quite easy afterwards. I tested Postgres in 64-bit mode and Movim in 32-bit mode, almost everything was working! But some cards were not showing… By looking at Movim's output I saw the following message: Warning: unpack(): 64-bit format codes are not available for 32-bit versions of PHP in /var/www/html/vendor/ratchet/rfc6455/src/Messaging/MessageBuffer.php on line 122 Uhm… So let's make everything 64-bit! And so I did, and now everything is working as they should :) And finally... Building the image Clone Movim Docker repository with git somewhere: git clone https://github.com/movim/movim_docker Edit the file Dockerfile inside the repository as follows: -FROM php:7.3-fpm +FROM arm64v8/php:7.3-fpm Run sudo docker build --no-cache --pull --rm=true -t movim/movim:latest . Done! You can now run your own Movim pod with this image :) Here is a docker-compose.yml file based on my own for those interested: version: '3.6' services: movim: restart: unless-stopped environment: MOVIM_ADMIN: admin MOVIM_PASSWORD: CHANGEME MOVIM_DOMAIN: https://YOURMOVIM.DOMAIN MOVIM_PORT: 8080 MOVIM_INTERFACE: POSTGRES_DB: movim POSTGRES_HOST: postgresql POSTGRES_PORT: 5432 POSTGRES_USER: movim POSTGRES_PASSWORD: CHANGEME_POSTGRES image: movim/movim:latest volumes: - ./movim:/var/www/html:rw nginx: restart: unless-stopped image: arm64v8/nginx:mainline-alpine ports: - "443:443" volumes: - ./movim:/var/www/html:ro - ./nginx/conf.d:/etc/nginx/conf.d:ro - ./nginx/certs:/etc/ssl/certs/:ro postgresql: restart: unless-stopped environment: POSTGRES_DB: movim POSTGRES_PASSWORD: CHANGEME_POSTGRES POSTGRES_USER: movim image: arm64v8/postgres:11.4-alpine volumes: - ./postgres/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data:rw And config file for nginx: server { listen 443 ssl http2; listen [::]:443 ssl http2; server_name YOUR_SERVER.DOMAIN; ssl_certificate YOUR_SERVER.DOMAIN.crt; ssl_certificate_key YOUR_SERVER.DOMAIN.key; location / { alias /var/www/html/public/; index index.html index.htm index.php; add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *; location ~ \.php$ { fastcgi_pass movim:9000; fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_intercept_errors on; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $request_filename; include fastcgi_params; } location /ws/ { proxy_pass http://movim:8080/; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade"; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; proxy_redirect off; } } error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; location = /50x.html { root /usr/share/nginx/html; } } I hope this can also help someone else have a good time with their RPi4! 🙂

      people Felipe 22 March, 2020

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      Timothée Jaussoin · Sunday, 23 February, 2020 - 21:43

    10 years ago I bought this 1Tb LaCie external hard drive to backup my files (the HDD is a Hitachi HCS5C1010CLA382). It only started to show some failures recently after being up 24/7 through all those years. It was connected to my RPi to handle all the home backups.

    I choose to transfer everything to a new (but second-hand) Samsung T5 SSD. No need to use an extra power plug, the SSD only takes 0.4W. I hope that I'll be able to use it for another 10 years!

    #hdd #ssd #hardware #backup
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      Paul Schaub: Re: The Ecosystem is Moving

      Timothée Jaussoin · Tuesday, 31 December, 2019 - 08:16

    A really nice response to Moxie Marlinspike conference 😃

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      rydroid, mirabilos, dumb bird, debacle, Marzanna

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      Movim 0.16.1 – Cesco

      Timothée Jaussoin · Friday, 6 December, 2019 - 09:51

    Here we go, 0.16.1 released 😉🎉

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      Movim 0.16.1 – Cesco

      Only a few weeks after the 0.16 release here is the 0.16.1 one! This release includes several fixes and a few new features. Features You can now share posts to your connected chatrooms :) Communities layout were a bit redesigned, publication rules are now displayed clearly in the right column and the header shows more information on mobile. All the messages that you sent in the one to one discussions can now be edited. The videoconferencing feature was heavily refactored and several issues were fixed during this process. A new XEP was also used partially to improve the call negociation flow, XEP-0353: Jingle Message Initiation. Fixes In the database an index was added on the key that was tracking contacts avatars. This sounds maybe a bit technical to you but this small fix boost quite a lot the performances during the login process, when you join a chatroom (especially that one) or when a contact updates his/her avatar. Because it's a database change you should run the database migrations when updating from 0.16 to 0.16.1. All the entities that are on the XMPP network needs to declare what they are capable of to the others. This allows feature discovery and negociation and is specified in the #XMPP extension XEP-0115: Entity Capabilities. After the big code refactor of the handling of those #capabilities within the Movim codebase some other small improvements and fixes were done to wrap up properly this feature. Presences sent to MUC are now generated the same way than those sent to contacts, this fixes #711. DNS resolution errors an timeout are now handled properly displayed during the authentication flow (#368). The SQL_DATE constant was renamed to MOVIM_SQL_DATE to prevent some naming conflicts (#820). What's next? PHP 7.4 was released a few days ago, so the upcoming version will focus on fixing issues to make Movim fully compatible with that version. This new PHP release also includes an exciting feature that allows #PHP developpers to call directly C libraries in their codes. This could allow #Movim to directly use the libsignal C library and therefore (finally) allow OMEMO end-to-end-encryption to be implemented. This will be a lot of work and verifications so we're not promissing anything anytime soon. Stay calm please! That's all folks! #omemo #videoconference #jingle #release

      group_work Movim 6 December, 2019

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      togart, teresaorsi, prasoonkumar, Nicolas Vérité, Marzanna, Orbifx, Miguel A. Arévalo


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      Timothée Jaussoin · Monday, 18 November, 2019 - 05:31

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      Movim 0.16 – Cesco

      A bit less than 4 months after the previous 0.15 release we are pleased to announce the release of the 0.16 version of Movim. This release comes like always with both new exciting features and performance improvements. But for this one we focused more on making the general usage more accessible and bringing some useful features in. What's new? Drawing and content sharing Thanks to the awesome collaboration with my girlfriend this release comes with a totally new feature that will allow you to draw quickly something over a picture you just took or a blank canvas. Those drawings can then be published within chat discussions or as publications. The Snap feature was slightly redesigned to integrate with the Draw feature, you can also now switch between different cameras if multiple are detected (useful on mobile phones). The camera switching feature was also integrated in the video-conferencing system allowing you to switch from your front and back views within a video-conference. Attachments The attachments menu in the chat panel was redesigned to integrate this new Drawing feature while keeping the UI clean and accessible. Chat improvements Movim now integrates a quick #emoji insertion feature 😱😍 in the chat discussions. When writing a message you can directly type the emojis code using its related :shortcut:. On desktop some work was also done to do all this process using only the keyboard. Chats and chatrooms list improvements The chats and chatrooms list now displays more information about the currently opened discussions: The chatstates (to know if the contact or one of the rooms occupants is currently typing a message) are displayed in real-time Movim is showing if the last chat message was sent by you The chatrooms are now displayed with a specific icon if they can be publicly discovered and if the occupants can see each-other public profiles (some issues were also fixed regarding the handling of those information backend wise). This allows the users to know more clearly what are the risks of discussing within a room and for the admins to change the rooms configurations regarding their privacy needs. Big refactoring of how the XMPP clients and servers capabilities are handled This is one of the biggest internal changes that was made for this release. On the XMPP network, the clients and servers are telling each-others what they are capable of. This allows, for example, for a client to know if a server supports file upload to display the feature automatically in the UI. Movim was handling very weirdly the content of those capability information for several years. The related code was heavily refactored fixing some features detection issues and adding some new features for the users. Movim now displays all the connected clients of all your connected contacts. This allows you to call a device specifically if your contact can be reached on several clients that supports the video-calling feature. Search The search panel was improved and now allows you to search in Communities. It is also faster to load (especially on mobile) and displays more reliable results especially for tags results. Slight design changes The general design and animations were slightly changed to allow more content to be displayed (some padding were removed in the chat to display more information within the discussion bubbles) or to make the UI a bit more snappy. Performances Last but not least! New features don't mean performance hit. Two big performance improvements were introduced in this release. A small database change that was overseen until now allows Movim to load chat messages way faster if you have hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of records stored. The upgrade of one of our dependencies, reactphp/http, improved the overall speed of around 10 to 20% (especially during the connection and during page switching). This allows Movim to stay around or bellow 300ms for most of the pageloads. What's next ? For the next release some work is planned to support the PHP 7.4 version and to boost code regarding the new performance features that are coming with this exciting release (especially with the Preloading feature). Some new XMPP extensions such as XEP-0424: Message Retraction and XEP-0425: Message Moderation are also planned. We will see if those changes will come into a minor 0.16.1 release or a major 0.17 release. In the meantime we hope you'll enjoy all those new features and keep spreading Movim around. You can also support us by giving a bit of money monthly on our Patreon. This allows us to cover our expenses (servers, domains) and to create some goodies (I heard that some new stickers are planned). That's all folks!

      group_work Movim 18 November, 2019

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      Marzanna, eyome, debacle, Nicolas Vérité