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      Nouveaux forfaits, nouvelles fonctions : le plein de nouveautés pour YouTube Premium

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Monday, 1 July - 07:02

    Youtube Jeux Mobiles (1)

    YouTube Premium a annoncé plusieurs nouveautés cette semaine, à commencer par de nouvelles formules d'abonnement ainsi que des fonctionnalités supplémentaires pour attirer de nouveaux utilisateurs. Au programme : des outils basés sur l'IA et des avantages inédits pour les abonnés.
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      $8.1m Damages Agreed By YouTuber & Bungie For 96 Bogus DMCA Notices

      news.movim.eu / TorrentFreak · Thursday, 27 June - 15:42 · 3 minutes

    Destiny 2 In March 2022, YouTube began receiving DMCA takedown notices which claimed that content referenced in the notices infringed the rights of videogame developer Bungie.

    YouTube responded by removing the videos listed in the notices, some of which had been uploaded by high-profile Destiny content creators.

    Some notices targeted Bungie’s own channels on YouTube, but that didn’t prevent some in the Destiny 2 community concluding that Bungie itself was to blame. That compelled Bungie to clean up the mess, defend its reputation, and track down the culprits.

    Lawsuit Demands $7.65m in Damages

    Bungie filed a lawsuit at a Washington court in March 2022, a clear indication that it intended to hold those who sent the fake takedown notices to account. At this point, the identities of those responsible were yet to be confirmed.

    In June 2022, Bungie filed an amended complaint that named YouTuber/gamer ‘Lord Nazo’, real name Nicholas Minor, as the person responsible.

    Bungie’s investigation that led to the identification of Minor was impressive and suitably matched by the company’s claim for damages – a cool $7.65m, mainly for violations of the DMCA in respect of the fake notices.

    Motion for Summary Judgment (DMCA component)

    Bungie filed a motion for summary judgment on the DMCA component of its overall claim in December 2023. Minor appeared in the case as required, including for his deposition and to provide discovery responses.

    The company previously reported that Minor had admitted that he “gravely messed up” and “fully accept[s] that this is [his] fault,” although he claimed he was “oblivious to the reprehensible damages [he] was causing to the community.”

    Minor did not oppose Bungie’s motion for summary judgment. In a judgment handed down this March, Senior District Judge Marsha J. Pechman referenced Section 512 of the DMCA, noting that Minor’s violations were intentional, and that he lacked a subjective, good faith belief that the targeted material was infringing.

    “Bungie has also provided evidence that the fraudulent notices harmed its reputation and caused it to devote significant resources to attempt to remediate the harm. The Court therefore GRANTS summary judgment in Bungie’s favor on this claim and GRANTS the Motion,” Judge Pechman wrote .

    Final Judgment Handed Down This Week

    With liability confirmed on the DMCA component of Bungie’s claim, other claims were still to be cleared up. They included false designation under 15 U.S.C. § 1125(a), copyright infringement under 17 U.S.C. § 501, business defamation, violations of the Washington Consumer Protection Act, and breach of contract.

    A stipulation and motion for entry of judgment filed by Bungie on Wednesday reveals that these additional claims will not be pursued. The copyright violations under 17 U.S. Code § 512(f) (relevant section below) in respect of the bogus notices stand.

    In their joint motion, Minor and Bungie ask the Court to enter an order and stipulated judgment based on several conclusions. They include:

    – Minor filed 96 false DMCA notices against Destiny 2 creators, without any authority.
    – Infringement was directed against content featuring 54 of Bungie’s copyrighted works.

    “Judgment will be entered against Defendant in the amount of $8,100,000.00, representing statutory damages of $150,000 per infringed work under 17 U.S.C. § 512(f),” the motion adds, noting that other claims not addressed are withdrawn.

    Comprehensive Injunction

    The joint stipulation continues with measures to restrain Minor (and anyone under his direction or control) from:

    – Creating or using any kind of account that suggests any link, or claims to be, Bungie.
    – Filing DMCA takedown notices against Destiny 2 creators on false pretenses.

    Minor is further prohibited from “using any social network, video sharing, or digital messaging accounts” under his control to provide any content “relating to or featuring Plaintiff’s intellectual property or to impersonate Plaintiff or its Agents in any way.”

    Among other things, Minor must delete Destiny, Destiny 2, and any other software that interacts with Bungie’s intellectual property, from any machines under his control.

    “This permanent injunction constitutes a binding court order, and any violations of this order by Defendant will subject them to the full scope of this Court’s contempt authority, including punitive, coercive, and monetary sanctions. Any company or entity that Defendant controls in the future will also comply with the provisions of this Judgment and Permanent Injunction,” the motion continues.

    “This permanent injunction is binding against Defendant worldwide, without regard to the territorial scope of the specific intellectual property rights asserted in the Complaint and may be enforced in any court of competent jurisdiction wherever Defendant or his assets may be found.”

    The stipulated motion for entry of consent judgment/permanent injunction is available here (pdf)

    From: TF , for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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      YouTube tries convincing record labels to license music for AI song generator

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Wednesday, 26 June - 13:48

    Man using phone in front of YouTube logo

    Enlarge (credit: Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg via Getty)

    YouTube is in talks with record labels to license their songs for artificial intelligence tools that clone popular artists’ music, hoping to win over a skeptical industry with upfront payments.

    The Google-owned video site needs labels’ content to legally train AI song generators, as it prepares to launch new tools this year, according to three people familiar with the matter.

    The company has recently offered lump sums of cash to the major labels—Sony, Warner, and Universal—to try to convince more artists to allow their music to be used in training AI software, according to several people briefed on the talks.

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      Mettez à jour Firefox pour régler le bug de lecture des vidéos YouTube

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Wednesday, 26 June - 13:29

    Mozilla a déployé une mise à jour pour Firefox qui corrige un souci tenace qui affectait des internautes se rendant sur YouTube. C'est la version 127.0.2 du logiciel qu'il faut installer.

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      Like Inception but advertising: a day out in Sydney with YouTube giveaways sensation MrBeast

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Wednesday, 26 June - 07:57

    He’s the most popular YouTuber in the world, known for his extravagant videos and now … chocolate. Caitlin Cassidy goes to see what all the fuss is about

    It is just shy of 2pm and I am high on sunshine and pop music and free chocolate bars.

    In 15 minutes Jimmy Donaldson, better known as social media sensation MrBeast , is due to take to a stage outside the Sydney Opera House and give away 10 – mostly –luxury vehicles.

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      Un bug pénible sur Firefox pourrit la vie des internautes visitant YouTube

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Monday, 24 June - 14:32

    énervement ordinateur

    Le navigateur web Firefox peut rencontrer ponctuellement des problèmes de lecture sur YouTube. Le problème a été évoqué depuis des mois déjà. Mais un correctif arrive.

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      S’abonner à YouTube Premium en Turquie pour payer moins cher, c’est fini

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Friday, 21 June - 14:10

    S'abonner à Netflix, Spotify, Deezer, ou YouTube Premium depuis la Turquie ou l'Argentine grâce à un VPN… Cette ruse de plus en plus répandue en ligne permet de payer moins cher ses abonnements. Google a décidé de lui faire la guerre, pour empêcher les fraudeurs de ne pas payer YouTube Premium.

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      Ce que YouTube imagine encore pour mener la vie dure aux adblockers

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Friday, 14 June - 05:14

    iron man

    Google est suspecté de mettre en place une nouvelle solution technique pour contrer les bloqueurs de publicités. Il s'agirait en somme de fusionner les vidéos d'annonce directement dans le flux vidéo, pour qu'on ne puisse plus les distinguer.

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      Élections européennes : qui sont les deux youtubeurs élus au Parlement ?

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Tuesday, 11 June - 07:50

    À l'issue du scrutin des élections européennes, dont les résultats sont désormais connus, deux youtubeurs, un chypriote et un espagnol, vont faire leur entrée au Parlement européen.