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    Timothée Jaussoin’s blog

    165 posts

    Movim is working pretty well on iOS now, happy to read that ☺️ #iOS #Movim #Webpush

    • reply chevron_right

      Les notifications xmpp fonctionnent maintenant sur Movim et la nouvelle béta d'iOS

      Première nouvelle : la nouvelle béta d'iOS permet l'installation de web apps (ou PWA) Oui bè... Ca fait un choc quand on s'y attendait pas. Effet de bord testé par un poto : Les notifications, mentions etc, fonctionnent mieux sur la web apps de Movim sur iOS que Snikket sur cet OS. Donc en fait, avec cette beta d'iOS, Movim devient le client xmpp fonctionnant le mieux sur cette plateforme... #xmpp, #Movim, #Snikket, #IM, #MessagerieInstantanée, #InstantMessager, #PWA

      people eyome 7 March, 2023

    • chevron_right

      Script to convert Canon RAW to JPEG

      Timothée Jaussoin · Saturday, 10 December, 2022 - 22:51 edit

    Just a small script that I wrote to convert directories of #RAW pictures in #JPEG. It might help some of you folks, who knows.

    This script is simplifying my flow. I am shooting everything in RAW and importing all the pictures to my Photos directory using #Gthumb. Once all the #photos are imported I pick which directory I want to keep in RAW and run this script in the other ones.

    echo "Convert $1 directory"
    exiftool -b -PreviewImage -orientation -w .jpg -ext cr2 -r "$1"
    echo "Copy EXIF"
    cd "$1"
    for file in *.CR2; do
        exiftool -tagsFromFile "$file" ${file::-4}.jpg
    echo "Cleaning up"
    rm *_original

    This script is working in 2 steps.

    First it extract the internal JPEG files from the RAW files and put it next to them. As it is only data manipulation it is super fast to run.

    Then the second part is re-copying all the #EXIF information from the RAW files to the freshly extracted JPEG files (the first step doesn't take care of the EXIF manipulation).

    And finally it cleanup the RAW files.

    Oh and for the RAW development, I'm using the awesome #Darktable !

    • chevron_right

      Timothée Jaussoin · Friday, 11 November, 2022 - 23:02

      Contact publication

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      8 Like

      movimtest2, debacle, Bigou, le VRAI!, Odysseus Libre, Timothée Jaussoin, tykayn, Angelica, ericbuijs


    • chevron_right

      Would you be interested to have "stories" in Movim ?

      Timothée Jaussoin · Monday, 7 November, 2022 - 20:32


    The idea would be to post quick articles with like a photo and/or short video and allow your contacts to see it for like 24h. Yes ? Na ? 🤔 #movim #feature #stories

    • Story Time

      If your favorite way to update your friends about life disappears in 24 hours, we’ve got some happy news for you. Stories are now available on Signal for Android and iOS, with Desktop coming soon!

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      3 Like

      Lyn, Shaun Wheeler, debacle


    • 7 November, 2022 Lyn

      Like posts now, but with a self-destruct and in a separate view?

    • 7 November, 2022 Timothée Jaussoin

      Yes, I like the idea to integrate it like Instagram is doing, having a small icon on your contacts avatar during the time the story is available. And in the end it will be like a post, but with a big picture and a small text to go with.

    • 7 November, 2022 eyome


    • 7 November, 2022 Lyn

      I've never used instagram, but I like the idea of casual media-focused posts that also deal with possibly expiring uploads on the side.

    • 7 November, 2022 debacle

      More than that, I want voting via Jabber/XMPP!
      So that we can use this to vote over the stories feature :-)

    • 7 November, 2022 Miguel A. Arévalo

      Not really interested

    • 8 November, 2022 ericbuijs

      I'm not in favor of these kind of casual media sharing. I like in-depth stories instead of short lived photo's and short videos.

    • chevron_right

      Timothée Jaussoin · Wednesday, 2 November, 2022 - 11:22

      Contact publication

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      5 Like

      Lyn, Odysseus Libre, ericbuijs, debacle, tykayn


    • chevron_right

      Handling messages IDs in modern #XMPP clients be like

      Timothée Jaussoin · Thursday, 18 August, 2022 - 20:55 edit

    Handling messages IDs in modern #XMPP clients be like
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      4 Like

      debacle, Bigou, le VRAI!, Lyn, Angelica


    • 28 October, 2022 Bigou, le VRAI!

      C’est si dur que ça avec les clients moderne? C’était plus simple avant?

    I'm using it to make most of my illustrations for Movim and at my job !

    • Excalidraw

      Excalidraw is a whiteboard tool that lets you easily sketch diagrams that have a hand-drawn feel to them.

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      Jorge Luis, Lyn, Angelica, Xabi, Carl


    • chevron_right

      There is 3 hard things in IT

      Timothée Jaussoin · Friday, 22 October, 2021 - 09:41 edit

    • cache invalidation
    • naming things
    • syncronising bookmarks in XMPP
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      9 Like

      debacle, Angelica, Blue, lillythefox, Carl, Mr.Zan, Michał "phoe" Herda, Hugo, Martin