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    Timothée Jaussoin’s blog

    165 posts

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      Xabi, redrose30, lillythefox, roughnecks, Romina Nix, Bigou, le VRAI!, Seer, Angélique Andthehord, Angelica


    • 20 October, 2021 Blue

      You look cool, man, and your kitty too!

    • chevron_right

      Contact publication

      Timothée Jaussoin · Tuesday, 29 June, 2021 - 07:34 edit

    Scott Duncan: I can't believe I am writing this.
    Canada 🇨🇦 has obliterated its national all-time heat record *for the second day in a row*.
    Before yesterday, greater than 45°C had never been recorded. As far as climatology is concerned, this is deeply shocking.
    • Scott Duncan on Twitter

      “I can't believe I am writing this. Canada 🇨🇦 has obliterated its national all-time heat record *for the second day in a row*. Before yesterday, greater than 45°C had never been recorded. As far as climatology is concerned, this is deeply shocking. https://t.co/X9WJgtHgss”

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      Hugo, debacle, ericbuijs, Arne, Bigou, le VRAI!, Mr.Zan

    XMPP vs Matrix #meme
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      Bigou, le VRAI!, orion, Honest, Lyn, xeruf, ben, Martin, Thomas Citharel, lillythefox


    • 9 March, 2022 orion

      I ran my own Matrix homeserver for a while but had issue with the invasive way they pushed "federation" at me, and stubbornly defended the practice without a good explanation when I asked why. I stayed in the matrix dev chat for a few days as a steady stream of other ops asked the same questions. It's not really opensource and not really great. They have had plenty of time to sort out easy things like account management but it was still largely manual when I left. Rocketchat was a little better but has similar commercial aspirations which turned me off to it.
      I used pidgin for many years and still do. I've found xmpp protocol is only as good as the front end.

    • chevron_right

      This is where Movim is made GEAR

      Timothée Jaussoin · Wednesday, 9 June, 2021 - 19:29 edit


    Just a small picture of my desk.

    I'm writting the Movim sourcecode since 2013 on this #Thinkpad T430. It's a wonderful computer that I'm planning to keep as long as possible. A really nice keyboard, replaceable battery, 1Tb of SSD, Full HD IPS screen, 8Gb of RAM… and a nice dock to easily switch to a triple FullHD screens setup.

    Everything is running on #Debian Testing with #XFCE 💕

    It's also funny to see what you can do today with a small setup like that.

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      chipmnk, uwu, Bigou, le VRAI!, rubensolvang, xeruf, purplesky, Lyn, lillythefox, orneo1212


    • 28 September, 2021 purplesky

      Thank you Timothee for everything. From a ThinkPad user in Indonesia.

    • chevron_right

      A simple Raspberry Pi for your complete audio system

      Timothée Jaussoin · Tuesday, 18 May, 2021 - 21:18 edit · 1 minute

    I bought a small #RaspberryPi 2B a few years ago. It is currently plugged to my Pioneer amplifier using an HDMI cable. Attached to it I have a 1Tb Samsung SSD.

    I then installed Raspbian with the following applications:

    • MPD that is playing my 400Gb audio music directory
    • Syncthing to automatically backup the audio files to another drive on the network
    • The wonderful myMPD, that gives me a Spotify like website to manage and play all my musics
    • lirc + a specific setup for my remote and a little IR receiver plugged to the GPIO pins of the RPi, this allows me to directly command MPD using my Pioneer amplifier remote
    • Pulseaudio + Zeroconf that allows me to also use the Pi as a network audio-sink in case I quickly want to stream the sound of my laptop on my amplifier. Here is the tutorial to set it up

    With a bit of configuration I can now play, manage, backup and control all my music with a 30€ hardware. And it fully integrate with my existing devices and consumes only a few Watts.

    Why buying expensive Sonos/Apple/Google devices when you can do it with a simple computer and some nice Free Softwares <3

    • Raspberry Pi : Du son en réseau avec PulseAudio

      Cet article décrit comment utiliser le Raspberry Pi comme sortie son ( sink ) distante ( en réseau ), pour un ordinateur sous Linux. Il exploite les capacités réseau de PulseAudio, tant coté Raspberry que sur l'ordinateur source. 2 méthodes de connexions sont proposées : La découverte automatique du Raspberry par Pulseaudio, simple et pratique, ...

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      valeg, Arne, norman_pony, debacle, Danilo, Paplain, ABJphotography, Mr.Zan, purplesky


    • chevron_right

      Des abeilles au jardin HONEYBEE

      Timothée Jaussoin · Sunday, 4 April, 2021 - 15:18 edit


    C'est trois ruches que nous avons déplacé hier soir sur Gières. Les abeilles peuvent maintenant butiner sur 1/2Ha de jardin et au milieu des arbres.

    Notre ami Maurice a même installé une petite marre avec des lentilles d'eau pour leur permettre de venir se poser et boire avant de retourner à la ruche.

    Quelques photos de ce matin où nous sommes venu vérifier que tout allait bien, fixer correctement l'ouverture des ruches et les nourrir un peu.

    #bee #abeilles #apiculture

    • chevron_right

      La fabrique de l'ignorance - Regarder le documentaire complet | ARTE

      Timothée Jaussoin · Saturday, 27 February, 2021 - 21:13 edit

    La fabrique de l'ignorance - Regarder le documentaire complet | ARTE

    Un superbe reportage, bien monté, et très complet sur la science, la manipulation et comment s'en sortir face à tout ça !

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      manu, Arne, CNT 31, kadhaut, Bigou, le VRAI!